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2 years ago


In any case, there was anomaly in file number XY that had no time for a bank robbery 🙂

2 years ago


There may be countries in the world where the bank robbers have handed the clink. But they also had a “bank robbery culture” and there were probably such breakdowns possible.

In Europe, the bankers are less prone to spontaneous robberies. The object of the desire is spied out and a plan is set. In addition, bank robbery is something for criminals. Which professional man is already overcompensating institutions that have almost only book money.

It’s almost more profitable to insert into a kiosk with the claw of some bars of cigarettes. The judge will forgive you for the first time.


2 years ago

I’ve never heard of such a case before and Google didn’t know anything about it on the fast. Probably because robbers prepare themselves relatively well for this and would notice it in time if someone else were on site

2 years ago

Yeah, it happens to me all the time,

so’n fucking!