G.D. Oder M.D.?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich befinde mich aktuell im Bewerbungsprozess für den gehobenen Dienst der Bundespolizei. Für mich war der gehobene Dienst von Anfang an klare Sache, da ich letztes Jahr mein Abitur bestanden habe. Den mittleren Diensz hatte ich erstmal außen vor gelassen.

Momentan überkommen mich aber ein paar Gedanken bezüglich meiner Entscheidung bei der Bewerbung. Ich frage mich ob ich im g.D. der BPOL auch normale Aufgaben wie den Streifendienst an Bahnhöfen oder Flughäfen absolviere? Unter Führungsposition stelle ich mir nämlich irgendwie hauptsächlich Büroarbeit vor und genau der wollte ich mit der BPOL, einem aktiven Beruf, entgehen.

Nächsten Monat bin ich für das nächste EAV in Lübeck eingeladen, bis dahin wollte ich eine Entscheidung treffen ob ich in dem EAV für den g.D. drinnen bleibe, oder ob ich mich vielleicht umschreiben lassen sollte für die März-Einstellung 2025 im m.D. Und wäre das überhaupt so einfach möglich, oder würden die mich nicht mehr wollen wenn ich den g.D. absage?

Was denkt ihr darüber? Beim m.D. lerne ich halt auch alles von Anfang an und kann nach ein paar Jahren den Laufbahnlehrgang machen.

Vielen Dank schonmal!

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4 months ago

First of all, I have almost zero idea of police work. But I have 2 good acquaintances, both of which will probably be at the higher service. One is a criminal commissioner and at the same time. Head of a police station. In the essay to his boss (Police Director), if not active as a substitute, he is also in external use. However, he does not drive a stripe and probably does not deal with smaller stakes. In the case of larger criminal offences, he said more often, he is also investigator.

The other acquaintance is Upper Commissioner (POK) in the high-level service and works in traffic monitoring at a motorway service. Accidents, traffic monitoring and others are one of his tasks.

As in any profession ( ok, Hoffeger before) documentation of work is indispensable. Imagine only the chaos when car drivers are flashed, but all the notifications were incorrectly created, or were interchanged or delivered to unparticipants. Not funny! So, inform yourself, it can be very diverse!

3 months ago
Reply to  Dosendeckel470

Office work is also done by civilian employees in the computer system?

3 months ago

How theoretical in the judiciary too! Or according to Radio Yerevan: In principle Yes, but unfortunately… . Whether it’s “just” the overtime determination, documentation is always an important point!

3 months ago

The answer from is correct in the whole.

After appointment as a police commissioner, you will in principle be employed as a control and strip officer in the high-level service and are therefore operative in the service and do so, except for the work done, your daily business is not in the office.

It is also possible, in principle, to spend its entire service time as a control and strip officer. In principle, it is applied for leadership tasks and then filtered after suitability of applicants. However, it remains to be noted that you can be transported to the police chief (A11) in the strip service. All further promotions are subject to specialist or persons with management tasks.

As the word basically says, there are exceptions. For example, it is possible in exceptional cases that you will be used as a group leader directly after appointment as a police officer. This is possible, in particular, in the case of small departments/revisions, if they do not have a suitable official of the GD. In the past, however, young Commissioners often faced challenges (such as the acceptance and implementation of leadership decisions…)

If you ask, in my opinion, try to get to the top service. The possibilities for use are much more diverse than in the middle service. Experience shows that senior officials are also given more responsibility if they want to perform this and perform more tasks than that of the mD.

1 month ago

Hey, so I understand what you’re thinking and can understand that you don’t want to be deported to the office” if you can formulate it like that. But as a group leader, you are also on assignments and have to take over the lead, which is also responsible for other colleagues. That is, it is not so likely that your main task will be paperwork. So this is my opinion now. I also wanted to ask how it was in Lübeck? How was the process and what do they ask?

4 months ago


Of course, you can also go to Streife in the uplifted service. Just at the beginning, you don’t take responsibility for leadership, which is also logical somewhere… the longer you are with and later take responsibility for leadership (group management or group management), the more you are naturally bound with organizational matters.

But theoretically, you can also drive out as a service group leader, only almost no one…

That’s why you’re in charge of the superior service!