Fußgängerampel rot Gefahr?
Hallo Leute,
Ist es strafbar wenn man öfters bei roter Fußgängerampel über die Ampel geht. Wie nennt man es wenn meine Freunde es machen und ich mache es nach? Ich denke Gruppendynamik. Aber warum macht man sowas? Kennt sich jemand aus?
LG hab ich schon öfters getestet hab dafür aber paarmal Schimpfe bekommen.
Going over a traffic light is irresponsible, but then screaming big when something happens. You should be charged an annual salary as a penalty.
I would call it neglect of civil duty. Because it should be your duty to stop your so-called friends from going over the traffic lights at Red.
And if they only make it fun
Car drivers are also racing for fun at ROT via the traffic lights. You love putting people in danger and getting points in Flensburg to get rid of the lapel as quickly as possible :>
…costet 5,- €…per person and traffic light. If a competent official is willing and able to direct on-site…I think that is the problem.
If you can look sufficiently far, I don’t like a red light.
And how do you think about children who are allowed to see your “imaginative” action?
Not at all. Such people think that others have to take the role model.
Every time punishable, 5€.
Not group dynamics but collective stupidity 🖖