Füße beim stehen parallel?
ich bin männlich, 18 Jahre alt und 1,82 Meter groß. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass meine füße beim stehen oft unbewusst in einem kleinen Winkel nach außen zeigen, also nicht ganz parallel zueinander stehen. Dabei ist es egal wie weit sie voneinander weg stehen.
Was ist eine normale Fußhaltung beim stehen? Beim laufen sind meine Füße eigentlich parallel, bzw. “normal”.
Totally normal. No reason to worry unless you’re in pain??
The more conscious a person is in awareness, the more show his foottips.
It shows everything in the body that is the translator of the soul.
Foot tips apart = open in spirit.
When you run, you have to be depressed. This is easier with parallel feet.
Spirit stands over matter and the genes.
If I didn’t believe – it’s like the horoscope… whoever’s stupid is wrong is sorted into a certain drawer 🙂
Yes, to condemn standing is to have everything under control.
But: No, you have not yet reached enlightenment/clearness, spiritual knowledge and believe material would be reality.
With the foottips belongs to mimics and gestures.
With enlightenment, you can read it in clarity and let no one lie to you or imagine anything.
Everyone only recognizes how he himself has grown up in spirit.
The mass is still ego unconscious, which can be manipulated and exploited.
Errors are inherited from generation to generation. And everyone thinks it would be right because the crowd does. It is different: not the mass, but the individual to the spiritual Christ height become aware, know and live the rights, the truth. Truth = the principle of God. How they describe God in being.
Ego is a paranoia of mankind and is an inheritance that everyone has to get rid of or transcend.
Sry, but that’s nonsense. The foot position depends on many, among others also on the structure of the hip joint, depending on the angle of the thigh the leg and foot position is directed more outwards or also inwards. It has nothing to do with the soul.
Everything in spirituality can also be understood differently in matter. _ For the spirit manifests everything at the material, worldly level. The spirit speaks in visual language.
It’s nonsense.
For everyone gets what is like ER SELBER. As he, awareness, deserved.
What do you want to be? Christ, Spirit, +⬆️ Placebo, serving for light and life, or – ⬇️ Nocebo, Devil matter, dedicated to death.
It’s about spirit/spirit that stands above all.
God does not reveal himself. He waits patiently until you want him. _ God = HEILIGER Spirit.
It’s just about the ONE for which many names and stories were invented.
Everything is possible with the ONE.
Christ already said, “You are good for your sake.”
What do you want? Being creator or trusting blindly all/all?
Perfectly normal. We’re not all the same. As your foot or leg axis is oriented depends on the muscles, but also on bone construction. If your hip joint has more playroom for external rotation than for internal rotation, it is perfectly normal to walk around (or stand) in a light turnout without being trained or focused. The screw connection in the lower leg bone is not the same for all.
In classical dancers, a hip joint is that a high external rotation allows one of the basic requirements to become a professional dancer or dancer at all.
That’s right. They show something to the outside when standing.
Take a foot analysis at the orthopaedic. Many have small mistakes. That’s not bad anymore. But if you run e.g. running sports, you should pay attention to something like that in the smaller measure, as it unnecessarily strains the joints.
Then why should you run to the doctor because of every popularity. Therefore, the doctor’s practices are also so crowded. The right sick people don’t get to the train anymore.
Mainly healthy and pain-free. It is best for a orthopaedic to clue whether there is a fault. O – Legs are not odd. Look at the shoe soles and absaetze as they are worn…
That’s quite normal, that’s so for most