Foot hurts, is it something serious?
It doesn't hurt when walking normally, but it hurts when running, jumping, etc. I can't describe the pain exactly, but it's like a stabbing pain…
It's been hurting for about a week now… but from the outside, everything looks normal… it's not swollen or bruised… but like I said, if I put too much strain on it or make too quick movements with my foot/ankle, it really hurts…
On Monday I have a jump rope test… but I can't manage to jump for long enough…
So maybe I should go to the doctor or do you think I just have to take it easy
such a foot it a very complex structure with many bones, muscles and tendons and you cannot always locate what hurts. But if that’s the case, you should be careful. With changing baths hot/cold and warm socks that promote blood circulation you can support healing
So protect him until the pain has declined
Thank you
If I look at your picture, I’d say it’s blowing in the interossary membrane…
LG Aylin
Ah, yes, this band between the skin and the calf. Unusual, but can be. It recovers. Snakes need a little longer than muscles, so patience.