Fuß tut weh?
ich bin vorgestern in einer Kule auf dem Feld umgeknickt. Danach hatte ich kurz Schmerzen, nach einer Minute ging es wieder. Danach bin ich noch Trampolin gesprungen, weil es nicht mehr weh tat. Ich bin schon öfters mal umgeknickt, da tat es aber nur kurz weh. Am nächsten Tag bin ich aufgewacht und hatte wenn ich meinen Fuß bewegt habe einen ziehenden Schmerz. Heute hat es sich dann nochmal verschlimmert. Ich kann zwar noch laufen, aber es tut weh! Der erste Bild ist der betroffene.
Weis jemand was das sein könnte?
This could be a ligament crack, a ligament break, that should be noticed by a doctor, since now is a long weekend, you can contact the medical standoff service 116117.
Good improvement for you.
Thanks for the ⭐
The only thing you can see is hammers and a swollen foot. As my X-ray tube comes back from the repair only tomorrow, I can’t provide any further information.
What are hammers?
I think he’s playing on your nails…
It has nothing to do with the nails.
“Foot hurts” is not a question, but a statement. I guess you want to know what you can do to relieve.
A bent foot does not always hurt immediately. But if he wants, it can be very painful.
Keep the foot up and cool it. A quark pack helps very well. How to do this here:
Also an ice wrap relieves, but pack the ice cubes in a towel or towel – do not put directly on the skin.
I don’t want to know what you’re doing, but it won’t be better but worse!
You have No Question asked – so I could only guess what you want to know.
If it gets worse, the tapes could be torn. Pick up a doctor, he’s gonna ring it. In any case, you overloaded the foot.
How do you know if the ankle or another bone has not broken? X-rays are of course only useful if there is a suspicion of fracture.
“That’s why you don’t have to go to the doctor” a lot of people thought and regretted it later.
If it doesn’t get better by itself, a doctor’s visit makes sense.
Bullshit. That’s why you don’t have to go to the doctor and you don’t see any bands
Could possibly also be a ligament crack
So I had recently torn the bands, wasn’t beautiful and they were probably overstretched a few weeks before. You better go to the doctor and let that go. Don’t be as stubborn as I am and keep Dan on what your doctor says.
Good improvement and LG
Diagnostics by photo is not yet invented, wait… go to the settled doctor.
Do you have extreme overweight? Could also be too much for your joints. I don’t think you’re coming to the orthopaedic.
No, I’m very slender. My mother takes this on the easy shoulder!