Für Work and Travel aus Deutschland abmelden ja oder nein?
Ich mache bald ein Jahr Work and Travel in Kanada. Einige Quellen sagen, dass man sich vom deutschen Wohnsitz abmelden sollte, z.B. wegen der Krankenversicherung, um diese nicht ein Jahr weiterzahlen zu müssen (Habe eine Auslandskrankenversicherung für den Zeitraum).
Andere Quellen sagen, eine Abmeldung wäre nicht nötig, bzw. eher nicht sinnvoll, da dann die private Haftpflichtversicherung nicht greift im Ausland (meine Haftpflicht ist bis zu 24Monate im gesamten Ausland gültig, deswegen möchte ich diese weiterlaufen lassen).
Also, abmelden ja oder nein?
In most cases, foreign health insurance is Emergencyinsurance. It only covers costs. that suddenly occur.
For all further treatments, surgery etc. you would be brought back and treated in Germany. It would be foolish to announce the German insurance.
Financial support such as child money, bafög and others also depends on German residence.
I’d just cancel if you really evolve and the stay is planned in the long term.
Core question: how old are you? If under 23, you do not have to unsubscribe because you are generally entitled to free family insurance with your parents if they are insured by law.
If you’re older, you should log out, otherwise you’d have to pay the Midest contribution.
Here you will find all the questions answered, also applies to Canada: https://www.work-and-travel-australien.org/deutsche-krankenversicherung/
I’m 27, thank you.
Okay, then you have to report.
Talk to the health insurance company if that’s right.
Otherwise you have to log off at a permanent stay anyway, it’s like you’re coming home occasionally.
Over the year, there will be no permanent stay, between coming to Germany is not planned. The lady of the health insurance company was not so sure about what I need for the registration. If she then proposed to unsubscribe from the German residence, that was so good for her.
Only then did I learn (According to my friend’s liability insurance) that this is not valid without notification in Germany. (This would affect all insurance policies). However, my liability insurance says something else that I would only have to specify the reporting address of my parents (as a postal address), but the insurance is still valid even without a notification in Germany.
There are just too many different statements on this 🙁
The concrete statements of the specific insurance policies always apply. What’s on the one hand is not on the other. What your friend says is irrelevant, your insurance policy is important.
Yes Log in
you are even obligated to do so.