Für was soll man noch leben?
Das man sich so einsam fühlt, also keine Familie hat, nicht wirklich Freunde die sich jede Woche um dich kümmern oder gar nicht mal einen Partner an der Seite hat, nicht mal für Sex und das obwohl ich alltagstauglich bin, Schönheit liegt natürlich im Auge des Betrachters, aber Männer gucken schon. Also frage ich mich warum ich mit allen so einsam bin, ist meine Art schuld? Ich frage mich manchmal für was ich noch lebe 😏😏😏
Sounds kind of passive.
It would be your life, what you can do actively. Friends usually don’t take care of one once a week. They’re agreed to exchange ideas or have fun. And having a partner means going to him actively. Sex also means you have to show that you want it.
I have friendships with which I travel, cool activities, but it doesn’t fulfill me. But better than friends! I can’t go to men because I’m afraid of a basket, I get a red head fast. With 34 already embarrassing!! Of course, men already spoke to me, but they’re not my type. I’ve always been single. Had, of course, short affair, but then it ends and you’re alone again. I have the feeling they just want sex.
Did you know how to deepen friendships and how to start a relationship? Imagine you have very deep friendships and a very fulfilling relationship in a year 2. How exactly would it have been?
I see this as embarrassing if you don’t dare to address an attractive person.
I don’t trust myself, as I said, I don’t see it as embarrassing.
Don’t trust me!
starting from biology, people only live to replant.
but in philosophy life can mean a lot. Start a new hobby, meet people or try science. Life is not set limits. Create your life as you imagine
and of course the Döner xD
a lot of success
I had a hobby for a while. There I only met women as friends. Most men only look at me as a pleasure object and want sexy and then go. Even if I don’t get into sex, they’re gonna kill you. I just got bad luck.
Of course, your kind is not everyone’s thing.
You’re practically just looking for evening adventures. Of course this isn’t the nice boy who doesn’t just want to play with you.
A serious relationship rarely results from Joyclub etc.
Try to get to know guys normally without the idea you want to play with you.
Joynclub I’m not there, but on Bumble. There I met a man looking for a serious relationship on your profile. We exchanged numbers, but he’s so weird. Is that what he is looking for is no trouble and does not answer me days or only after 1xweek. Do you want me to take this seriously as a human being? That’s not how to deal with women. I already met men with whom I didn’t go to bed. They didn’t report after that. Maybe I’m just monotonous and boring. I don’t talk.
In any question of you stand something from Joynclub. I am also the same guy who says that the matching partner you will meet by chance, compel with “Search ” I consider a forgiving effort. I would even run more of it if I were torn right on the first date from the lady to the bedroom. I’m telling you, I even felt part of my sexual abuse. So there is also the other extreme 🙂
Yes, but if you didn’t like yourself, that’s abuse. Not only men abuse women, but it’s different. For me, e.g. cuddles are classified as sex.
Why did you feel abused by your ex? It was your partner, and if she likes it is nice:)