Für was ist dieser kleine gelbe schalter?
Ab und zu diskutiere ich mit jemandem über die StVO und mir fällt immer mehr auf, dass diese Mal erneuert und auf die heutige Zeit gebracht werden sollte! Mir fallen etwa 3 Regelungen, die wirklich Mal überdacht werden sollten! Fallen euch Probleme ein?
Moin, wollte mir demnächst ein Cabrio zulegen, habe allerdings nicht viel Erfahrung, worauf man bei Gebrauchtwagen achten soll. Kann mir einer gute Cabrios mit Stahldach um die 3-4K empfehlen?
Guten Tag, Meine Theorie Prüfung ist nun schon fast ein Jahr her und ich habe es leider nicht ganz geschafft mit der Praxis in einem Jahr. Muss ich, wenn die Theorie Prüfung nach einem Jahr nicht mehr gültig ist nur die Theorie Prüfung noch einmal machen oder auch die ganzen Theorie Stunden? Danke für eure…
Hey Leute, Mir ist gestern aufgefallen, dass in meinem Fahrzeug die MKL nicht vorhanden ist… entweder überklebt, heraus programmiert oder die Lämpchen entfernt. Verdacht auf Verkäufer weil das Fahrzeug Probleme bereitet. kann man deswegen adac anrifen und Fehler auslesen lassen? Man hört Pfeifen aus dem Motor Raum beim kalt Start die erste 500-1000 Meter und…
With the pass, you can make light horn, as already said.
Press = high beam, release = high beam.
When yellowing, you can adjust the lever distance. Simply rotate and test 😉
I don’t even have a driver’s license that was just in front of the house door and it was interested in me ^^
What exactly do you mean lever distance?
How far the coupling lever is from the handle?
Want to say “Look into the manual” xD
If you have short fingers, it is more pleasant if the lever is closer to the handlebar. So you can shorten the distance.
Vice versa understands
How to overtake the bike faster than with the moped? xD
You have to know that yourself… The advantage is: drive early and gain experience. The disadvantage: I always overtake mopeds by bike and they are usually a stark obstacle and everyone is excited about you, especially in the city where often there is no place to overtake xD
OK thank you
Btw would you say it is worth making a moped driver’s license if you want to make a motorcycle?
But you live in a city like Vienna?
Or even Roman would have to pull the country so that it is worth it
Right (if you mean closer to the handlebar):
Watch the last 15 seconds from the video
Nice and shorter means lower number right?
This adjusts the grip width.
Everything has to be in the driver’s manual.
I am not even full year
I only saw the part in front of the house gate interested me
Motorcyclists usually have several pairs of gloves – in winter you need thicker, warmer and in summer they should be thin and airy. So that you can easily get between the handle and the lever with the gloves, and this can still operate properly, adjustable clutch and brake levers are very practical or important. I couldn’t do it. In addition, of course, the drivers have different long fingers. But it would be enough to set the levers 1x – it would not have to be possible to adjust them again at any time. The adjusters on the levers are chosen to be colored because it looks nice. Unfortunately, they also fall on and divert curious guys to stroll around when you park somewhere. 😁
This allows you to adjust the distance of the brake/coupling lever.
The passing switch ignites the headlight of the headlamp for the time it is pressed. It’s easier to communicate to the driver next to you than to SCREAM “Hey, let me free the way”.