Für Traumstudiengang 900km von der Familie und Partnerin wegziehen?
Hallo ich habe folgendes Problem.
Ich habe mich für duale Studiengänge bei großen Unternehmen in ganz Deutschland beworben, weil ich dachte das es sowieso nichts wird. Deshalb hab ich mich auch regional beworben in kleinen Unternehmen.
Nun wurde ich in einem großen Unternehmen angenommen wo ich ca 900 km wegziehen muss.
Ich hänge extrem an meiner Familie und hab hier auch eine Partnerin. Ich hab Angst das die Beziehung durch die Entfernung kaputt geht und bei 900km kann man ja auch nicht eben mal schnell nach Hause fahren falls was los ist. Außerdem müsste ich meine Hobbys aufgeben was auch Mega blöd ist
Wochenendbesuche bei der Familie und besonders Partnerin wären dann auch nicht so leicht
Das duale Studium in dem Unternehmen ist aber mein Traum nur ich hab so Angst vor der Entfernung.
Was würdet ihr machen bzw mir raten ?
danke schonmal für die schnellen Rückmeldungen
I’d do the study and stay in the relationship first. What comes from the cessation is anyway with time.
I have a similar situation and, for professional reasons, I live far from home and am still bound to my family. There are times when I prefer to go and go back, but then I keep looking at my dream job.
Meanwhile I see the time I spend at home as a time of rest and I really enjoy every minute when I’m back home. You just start to appreciate the time with your loved ones much more and the anticipation for next goodbye keeps me always on track in the job!
And if you really don’t stop it in the new city, you can still pull it back. Now you just have to remember that you never get a chance of such a job again. Then maybe you’ll live your life with the thought “What if… or if I had only been…”
May I ask how far you live from home?
If it were 200-300km I would be much more relaxed because you would still be relatively fixed with the open or car home
but 900 km is soo much
With me, ‘only’ 400 km is enough, and you can’t go back and forth on a day – it’s just not worth it or it’s just exhausting, meaningless and stressful.
900 km is already a lot but when I was in front of the decision I also kept in mind that I have to move out from home sometime and believe me you will get to know great new people and make many new experiences and promise – if your home-weather gets too big you can still go back! This thought has always calmed me most. After all, you do not sell your soul to this company and are bound to nothing!
3 years sound after a long time and that won’t be easy, but in a big company it’s very horny. The three years you’re investing are likely to pay off. If you want to get out of a smaller company at some point, you might need to invest more later.
Practical tip. Think not in 900km, but in hours. See how you can bridge these 900km? Maybe you can meet with your girlfriend every 4 weeks somewhere conveniently located in the middle and spend an intense time together. You will probably no longer have a common everyday life, but you can see how you compensate. In dual studies you will generally have less time, so it is about using the time you have good.
Listen to your heart.
There is no right or wrong in this decision. It comes to you, your priorities and wishes in life. Sometimes you get to a point where you have to decide in life, this then results in a new way of life. Serious tip, that’s nothing you should let anyone in you. Also, a second opinion that might push you in one direction, I don’t find it helpful here because you will always remember it and if something goes bad, you will regret having heard it. You should do this all by yourself and decide from the heart where you want to be in life and what is more important to you.
That is a good proposal, unfortunately, I am not going to go on exactly at that point. One day I think I’m doing this now, the other day I’m having an extremely bad feeling again and I’m afraid to do that.
If I didn’t move away alone, the helpful only my girlfriend just got a feast job and can’t and don’t want to move away
Do the study and the relationship will end slowly….
It may not be as tragic as it would be.
Personally, I would choose to study and work. It’s right that you don’t see your family so often, but you’ll always see yourself and visit occasionally. These visits are also something special.
Regarding the partner, why does it not move? Is she bound to the place?
I mean, my wife and I live for professional reasons under the week also about 500km apart from each other and we still see each other weekly (homeoffice and so). So also swinging is generally an option, but you have to be made for it and have the necessary small money left. Otherwise, I also have a mate who has now studied 5 years and was at home in the lecture-free time. That worked well for the two…
In the end, no one can take the decision, but as I said, I would use the chance.
She just took a job here. The commitment to my studies came relatively spontaneously.
Only I don’t have a lecture-free time in a dual study or I already have to work in the company, so it’s dual
Jein, vacation is still at your disposal and there will certainly be home office regulations (at least our dual also home office had).
I would first see if a similar study is offered in your area.
There are, however, small companies and I was unfortunately not accepted
May I ask what exactly you want to do? So I think it’s important not to break up professional opportunities, but at the same time, 3 years are really long, 900km really far and you seem to be a lot about your family and your girlfriend.
It is a dual BWL degree course at Bosch
I love my home, family and partner extremely!
This course is also my dream
I’m afraid I’m losing my partner or seeing too little.
if I don’t take the course, I’m afraid to miss this mega opportunity