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2 years ago

I can already pay indebtedly today, so what digital central bank money?

Behind this, there is only one other agenda that is so unpredictably communicated.

In China, such digital currencies are used to enforce a credit social system with which people are to be glasses and be made to fit.

2 years ago

As a supplement to the cash for digital shops and also as an alternative to bitcoin etc. absolutely sensible.

2 years ago

Where there is cash central bank money. What is it? At the Lagard under the pillow?

2 years ago

There are both advantages and disadvantages of the use of digital central bank money (CBDC). One advantage could be that CBDC would improve the efficiency and speed of financial transactions and allow people to gain easier access to banking services. Another advantage could be that CBDC could help to reduce the risk of bank crises, as CBDC is not dependent on the banking system like conventional bank money.

A disadvantage of CBDC could be that it could restrict the privacy of citizens, as central banks would be able to track all transactions. Another disadvantage could be that the introduction of CBDC could lead to smaller banks being displaced by larger banks, which could reduce competition in the banking sector.

Overall, each country must carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of CBDC to decide whether it is advantageous for them to introduce CBDC. It is important that all relevant stakeholders, including governments, central banks, banks and consumers, are taken into account in this decision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Benutzer953

It is possible that CBDC will be programmable, which means that they could have certain conditions and rules that are incorporated into their programming. This could, for example, be used to limit or prevent certain transactions. Programmable CBDCs can help governments and central banks to regulate the use of digital money, but also have associated disadvantages such as restricting privacy. In order to balance the benefits against the possible risks, it is essential to include all relevant stakeholders.

2 years ago

Only Bares is true. Otherwise you will open Orwell’s Dystopie “1984” door and gate.

2 years ago

Most transactions in Germany go with digital money. The least is still cash.

2 years ago

2/3 of the world do not even have extensive electricity, what do they want with digital money.