für festival schule ausfallen lassen?

hallo zusammen,

ich würde gerne vor den sommerferien auf das splash festival gehen, welches von donnerstag bis samstag (04.07-06.07) geht. allerdings fangen bei mir die sommerferien erst am montag (08.07) an.

für meine eltern wäre es in ordnung wenn ich 2 tage vor den ferien fehlen würde, da dort sowieso nicht viel unterricht gemacht wird. nur mit den zeugnissen ist das ein problem.

was würdet ihr mir raten?

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10 months ago

For your conscience, this should not be a problem yours, but if someone catches you (a hobbyless adult enough) you and your parents get really trouble. If the festival is in your country, nobody has vacations at your age and you would notice.

Besides, at my school, that’s how you need an attest. Because there are people who then want to go on vacation sooner etc. . Talk to your parents again, after all they are responsible for what happens.

10 months ago

Shortly before the start of the holiday, the school lines are often more strict and require a proper medical report.

There is compulsory schooling. At airports and railway stations, the police and the law office pay particular attention to school-leavers during the last days.

Make it smart. If you have a strict school line, you shouldn’t ask for a holiday. That’s what you’re doing. You’ll have to make a good statement. Maybe don’t just put festival images on your account or profile and don’t tell anyone.

What is the worst thing that could happen to you? A deportation from the director and the teacher and innocenced misdays in the witness. Maybe another fine. But the first time, unlikely. You better be stupid.

Other question: Where do you get maps? Isn’t that sold out?

10 months ago

Friday afternoon to Saturday or not at all! Service is service and schnapps is schnapps!

10 months ago

Legally there is compulsory schooling.

But the two days before the summer holidays can bend. Go to the festival.

5 months ago
Reply to  Rolajamo

There is only compulsory schooling if it is still minor. He should still go to school until the last day of school.

10 months ago

A school visit to the last day.

10 months ago

Talk to the school about it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Leoniensm

Do you already have the tickets?