Für einen Monat 1000€ überziehen. Wie hoch die Zinsen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin leider sehr schlecht in Mathe und mit Zinsen kenne ich mich ebenfalls nicht gut aus. Ich bin bei der Sparkasse Kunde und wollte fragen, wie hoch die Zinsen wären, wenn ich angenommen 1000€ am Monatsanfang sofort überziehen würde. Wie hoch wären die Zinsen, wenn ich in 30 Tagen alles zurückzahle. Nur damit ich ungefähr einen Überblick habe. Danke euch.
10% interest for 100€ is = 10€ for 12 months.
For one month it is 10 / 12 = 0,83 €
so for 1000€ it is 8.30€
No, because it is period 3 – so 8,33 €
But that was a smart answer now, I admit. 😇
That’s right. There will also be no interest rate of smooth 10%.
Since there are hundreds of savings banks with different accounts and terms, no one can answer that, except your savings bank. Either search there or look into the price/performance directory on the website. If you know the interest rates, you can also googlen for an interest rate calculator if you can’t calculate what you have to pay back.
Come on to the bank.
For a dispo credit you are fast at 10 – 15% interest.
Z = K x p x t divided by 36000.
1000 x 10 (as an example) x 30 : 36000 would be over the thumb 8,50 € interest.
Like I said for 1 month!
The interest is given per year, so you can simply share it through 12 and then you have the interest in the month. A year has 12 months.
You’re studying law and you can’t make a percentage?! Something’s wrong.
Mathe and I are on war foot.
You never passed the Abitur.
You should know your bank’s interest rate.
Example: at 12% the 120 euros per year, about 10 euros per month.
You have to ask the bank what interest they are raising.