Für die Schule die schuhe?
Hi, ich habe so ein Old money look. Dafür möchte ich diese Stiefel oder Schuhe anziehen. Ist das zu übertrieben? Ich bin 17 und bin 193 cm groß. Danke für eure Hilfe
Es ist beides dieselbe.
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Hallo! Ich selber stehe kurz vor dem Abitur und habe daher noch ein Jahr Schule vor mir. Danach überlege ich immer wieder, wie es weitergehen soll…. Dabei finde ich sehr vieles interessant, aber alles stützt sich auf die vier Berufsfelder: Steuern Recht Seefahrt (kriminal)Polizei dabei bin ich immer sehr unentschlossen, was ich machen möchte. Ist…
in principle these boots are beautiful and also absolutely ok, but have you thought that you are almost 2 meters “big” with these heels? Or have you tipped in your size (1,93m) in the question?
I’m really that big. That’s not a problem for me. I like being big.
from my point of view everything is okay
Thank you
For the first time, you are great 😉, I also like high heels, from 10cm it becomes problematic from the go, because the shoe/shalf good has to fit and sit, but under there is 99% everything top😊.
Big you are with 1.93m, but that doesn’t matter if you like high heels, then get it 🥰👍.
Just because one is great, it does not mean that one should only wear flat lashings.
To school, I’m sure they’re going to be in my eyes for 17 years.
Maybe parents will generally say “must be” but for that they are parents. If they finally agree, everything is good. It’s better to ask what parents should do in my opinion than to let their favorite blind get rid of 😉.
By 16 years I can understand if you like to wear this, but in my opinion this is a little early, only for special school events.
My daughter is only in the 5th class, I would definitely say no, but since she will also be 17 at some point, I give my own experience.
Have fun at school with it 🤗
I find the shoes very nice and would also wear them 🙂
I don’t think there’s anything against it.
You can just wear them. Just because you’re tall, it doesn’t mean you can’t wear shoes with heel.
Are full of order
If you are quite large, what else does it need shoes with such heels. Flats are more comfortable.
I feel more comfortable with it.