Für 6 Monate in die USA?
gibt es eine Möglichkeit für 6 Monate allerhöchstens 9 Monate in die usa zu gehen?
und gibt es dafür Organisationen?
Ich finde gerade im Bezug auf AuPair und ähnliches aufgrund dieses j1 Visums nur 12 Monate und das passt bei mir zeitlich zwischen Abi und dem was ich danach machen möchte leider garnicht.
12 months are only the maximum running time. Mostly, there are shorter programs that are offered.
Since you already need an organization that invites you, you should simply apply to such an organization and thus also inform what is possible for you or not.
stufix2000 has already given a suitable link. Otherwise you can also follow other info links or Looking for bids.
A lot of success in your research.
For 180 days you can travel under the B-1/2 visa in the USA. But don’t make money.
There are summer camps, you have to apply. This is also under the J-1 visa.
As already mentioned, I can highly recommend the Summer Camps option.
I did it myself and it’s really fucking fun and you learn a lot new.