Für 3100€ netto 80 km am Tag fahren?

Heyho 😀

Ich habe aktuell die Möglichkeit eine neue Stelle anzunehmen, bei der ich knapp 3100€ netto verdienen würde (21€ die Stunde)

Nun ist diese Stelle allerdings 40 km und 30 Minuten mit dem Auto von mir entfernt, und ich überlege ob das wohl Sinn macht jeden Tag so viel Sprit zu verballern?

Aktuell verdiene ich 16,40€ die Stunde und 2300-2400€ im Monat, kann aber leider nicht einschätzen wie viel mich das Benzin im Monat kosten würde.

Was meint ihr, lohnt sich das?

(3 votes)

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8 months ago

How many hours do you work in the month for 3100 net at 21€?

The 21€ are at an average of 168h a month about 3500€ gross. You would then have to work about 220 hours a month at tax class 3 without the travel time of about 2 hours a day, so roughly 40 hours a month. However, if you recreate wear on the car the fuel costs and the time required, and of course you need a new car more quickly because of wear. In my opinion, it is better at the current employer to negotiate 1 —2.5€ more the hour and perhaps a 50€ tank voucher or other month than to change. Of course, it depends on whether you feel right where you are.

8 months ago
Reply to  Pikado

ISt guarantees by contract that you also come to correspondingly many nights and Sundays?

If they only tell you about Mo to Fr during the day, you have no other problem than the 80km pendulum stretch, but you suddenly lack money.

8 months ago

Good Saturday,

a driving time of 30 minutes, just, is actually quite ok I would think.

Others just drive 50 or even 60 minutes the good double because you live in the country or 25-30 minutes from the city centre and another 10-15 minutes to arrive at the other end of the city where the workstation is located.

Also 3100 Euro net is quite neat, many have the multiannual experience with 3.year-old training not even brutto.

For many, with 2800…2600 or T in bad (professional) areas, 2500€ gross is the highest wage level that you get after several years of professional experience.

Even I would certainly not get more than 2500€ gross

8 months ago

Before the question of the NAch was because hourly wages at net are very strange, grades are actually rather in gross and people are stingy here.

That said:

80km are not 80km.

80km of road-free highway may be 40min, which is entirely possible regardless of the fuel price.

80km through x 30’s zones in any villages and by 10 km of them by a large city professional traffic there we talk more about 2 or 3+ hours.

If you’d spend 4 or 6 hours on the street every day, it’s worth it if you can move without it being a bit or if Homeoffice is an option. Otherwise it is not worth the lost quality of life.

3100 are possibly 5080 € gross (STK 1 accepted), i.e. 61K, is not little, but is also not the exception that this is paid only at one place in D.

If no option is changed and Homeoffice is not as well and we would not talk about a relaxed 40min highway route I would look for something else which is similarly well paid but better.

I’m swinging. 2 times a week 16km each away in 40 minutes. For no money in the world, I would commute 5 days a week 2 hours a way.

8 months ago

Because you can deduct the travel costs tax is not a problem. Others go further.

40Km * 2 * 0.30 Euro = 24 Euro per day must be cancelled.

8 months ago

This is normal to commute this route, nowadays many have the double way or more. If the track is good to drive, it is not a problem at all and I assume that if you need only 30 min for 40 km. I have been pendle for 12 years 38 km and use 35 min at similar net.

8 months ago

Take the place.

1. Higher merit later more pension.

Two. Looking for another apartment

3. Moving kits can be dropped in the tax return

4 More money monthly

5 If you have condominium then rent and rent other apartment

8 months ago

Are you driving a lobster or other gasoline?

With a “normal” car you will get 5-6 l/100 km.

For 80 km approx. 10 €/day = 50 €/week = 200 €/month.

This is going to have to be done with the new merit?!

8 months ago

Petrol costs would be around € 450 per month, so would have a profit of ~300.

If time doesn’t matter to you, it doesn’t matter how busy it is.

I’d say take the offer.

8 months ago
Reply to  Einbrecher42

Higher merit later more pension. Don’t forget.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sportfitness

Right, very good point.

8 months ago

We drive 130 km every day, 65 back and forth.

8 months ago

Small cheap accommodation looking and looking how the job is. If you have fun, why not move there at some point.

8 months ago
Reply to  Huflattich

Thanks for the feedback get feedback

8 months ago

You can only answer that.

And just test.

You’re filling your car.

Drive back and forth.

It’s gonna be okay.

Then you know what you’ve spent and it’s gonna be high.

It is estimated that you will stay 500€ more a month.

The question is more time

8 months ago

Drive one kilometre from about 20 cents on the upwardly open scale.

8 months ago

Time is still acceptable.

8 months ago

But don’t worry about…