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1 year ago

No, the savings banks are still relying on their own “mobile payment” app at Android. Google Pay can only use PayPal or Curve with a savings bank account.

1 year ago

Yes, the new Visa Debit cards (Girocards) of the savings banks can usually be used with Google Pay. If your Visa Girocard is activated for Google Pay, you can pay without contact via smartphone.

Please note that the support of Google Pay and other mobile payment services depends on various factors, including the policies of your savings bank, exact card type and technical infrastructure. It is recommended to contact your savings bank directly to ensure that your Visa Girocard can be activated for Google Pay and to receive information about the specific steps to set up.

1 year ago

Visa is Visa

Girocard is Girocard

Visa yes, Girocard no

1 year ago
Reply to  Schwabe1307

If Visa’s in, then yes.

1 year ago

It’s wrong again. Visa alone is not enough, the publisher of the map must also cooperate with Google and support Google Pay. There are plenty of Visa and Mastercard that cannot be used.