Does the bank card still work if the overdraft limit has been exceeded?
I asked myself this out of curiosity: sure, if there is enough money in the account the card works, but what if you have an overdraft of 100 and the account is, for example, 110 in the negative, would the card still work, for example in a store, or would it be rejected?
In your contract, it says whether and at what rate you can transfer your dispo. So no question for which there is a general answer.
This depends on which payment system is used. If you need to confirm payment by PIN, the card will be rejected. If you make the purchase by signature, the money will only be charged with delays and if you don’t have enough money in the account, then the debit will be approved or rejected depending on how the bank decides, but then extra cost will come to you.
If you can’t move your account further than the bank allows, it would probably be rejected.
However, it would still work as such.
In case of doubt try 🙂
The card itself works – but it can be that the payment is rejected.
The payment is usually rejected.
Then it is on the display : Payment aborted. Sometimes also payment refused. (I had to jump into friends several times.