Funktioniert der Life-Hack wirklich, um den RAM schnell zu leeren?
Servus Leute,
ich hab’ auf YouTube ein Video gesehen, da wird behauptet, dass ALT + F4 den RAM in Sekunden leert. Stimmt das wirklich? Und habt ihr das schon mal selbst probiert? 😄
Servus Leute,
ich hab’ auf YouTube ein Video gesehen, da wird behauptet, dass ALT + F4 den RAM in Sekunden leert. Stimmt das wirklich? Und habt ihr das schon mal selbst probiert? 😄
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this is a joke statement, which is partly correct. With Alt + F4 you simply close the current program. In fact, the RAM is emptied at least somewhat, since the data from the closed program disappears from the RAM.
So in itself, yes, the RAM is at least emptied. But you can also just stop the program normal.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
I know 😁 and it was naturally meant satirical, no worries 😋
With Alt + F4, the open programs are only terminated, which led to the fact that you get more space in the memory. It’s nothing new.
I don’t know what you saw for a hack.
Alt-F4 closes the current window or the current application.
You realize that you think 😎 my question was simply meant satirical 😁
Yeah, and with you, you realize the name is dancing totally cool people.
And by closing applications/windows will no RAM be released?
Yes, it works.
If you press ALT & F4, then you have a lower RAM usage.
I noticed because my Chrome had closed 😅
Just click Alt + F4 then you see what happens.
Do you think that’s what? But at your risk 🤣