Füllung für vordere Zähne?
Mein Zahnarzt empfiehlt, meine Frontzähne zu füllen, aber er sagt, dass es etwa 100 Euro kosten wird. Auf meine Frage, warum ich zahlen muss, wenn die Krankenkasse(TK) teurere Materialien für Frontzähne übernimmt, wurde mir gesagt, dass in dieser Zahnarztpraxis andere Materialien verwendet werden, die nicht erstattet werden. Leider ist bisher unklar, welche genau.
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit der Füllung von Frontzähnen über die gesetzliche Krankenkasse? Oder ist es besser, für hochwertigere Materialien zu zahlen?
My wife is a dentist, so I want to help.
The rear teeth 3-8 are usually filled with cement. That’s cheaper.
The front is usually filled with composite (in mixture of art-off ceramics and glass) and this is always taken over by the health insurance company. This has optical reasons. Why you have to pay $100, I’m sick of it. I’d change the dentist first.
It would be good if you listened to this woman. Your statement is wrong.
Can you explain what’s wrong with that?
If you’re contradicting someone else’s statement, you should explain why… so I’ve never paid anything for my front teeth and there’s always ceramic-reinforced plastic, short ceramic,…
And my wife’s practice has never demanded money for the same fillings.
Thanks for the answer.
Here what I found with another dentist:
“Simplified plastic fillings as paid by the statutory health insurance companies have two disadvantages:
This is why more and more patients choose aesthetic and higher-quality front tooth fillings from composites.”
– You’re going. Why not?
Have adjusted my answer for you extra hope that your day will be a little better….
You’re here to answer a question correctly.
Okay.. I can only reproduce what is spoken both in my wife’s practice and in my practice. When it comes to filling, say the ceramics. When it comes to inlays, the ceramics also say the topic about which it is a different one.
I don’t care. I am not here to discuss with DIR but to answer the user his question.
Ceramic reinforced plastic and ceramic are two few shoes!
The ZA should explain exactly what material it should be. Composite is taken over/paid from the CK, also from the TK in the front tooth range from corner tooth to corner tooth.
If I didn’t explain exactly what the difference should be, I would change the dentist.
What costs does the TK take in dental fillings? – The technicians