Führerschein Theorie zu wenig Zeit?
Hallo Leute, ich habe aktuell viel Bedenken was mein Führerschein angeht, ich habe am 07.02.22 angefangen und bin immer noch nicht mit der Theorie fertig, also bleibt mir nun noch ein monat, sonst muss ich wie ihr bestimmt schon wisst die Anmeldegebühr neu zahlen, und alles von neu machen. Was die Fehler angeht mache ich bei 40 fragen da ich auto und Motorrad mache ungefähr maximal 10 fehler und ungefähr allerhöchstens 30 fehlerpunkte. Meine Angst ist dass ich es zeitlich nichtmehr schaffe aber mehr als weiter zu lernen konnte mir der Fahrlehrer nicht sagen was nun?
So you didn’t manage to learn the few questions in a year? Respect. How do the other one make the license in a couple of weeks or months?
I also ask myself to be honest
Well .. hm .. 1 year – if it has not been done until then (still over 1 month!), then try again in 2 or 3 years. In the period until then, you can acquire the teaching material in peace without being exposed to this immense time pressure.
Cycling is also something very nice.
Well… for that, you must also know the StVO and learn theory.
Otherwise, the next time he passes over a zebra strip with the wheel on the bonnet of a car or worse because he took the driveway 🙂
However, self-serving power can function independently of the test certificate. Otherwise, there is still the Darwin Award.
They know that cars have brakes, and drivers do not like paint damage, but may not be that drivers are not always equally attentive.
Should he, yes.
And then go to public road and see how many cyclists drive around as if they wanted to actively suicide.
If you haven’t done the theory check, you theoretically have infinite time. However, if the contract stipulates that after 12 months the registration fee of the driving school must be repaid, that is another thing.
If you have passed the theory check, you have 12 months to make the practical. After that it is no longer valid.
You’re disgusting.
You have 30 points or 10.
After 10 flaws, you haven’t passed the theory test.
I have 30 errors(PUNKTE) but that in turn are 10 mistakes asking
If you have 30 fault points, it’s too high.
You can have a maximum of 10. And eig. you should be mistake-free after almost 1st year.
If in 11 months of active learning you have not managed to learn the theory well enough to reliably complete exam simulations with 0 error points, an additional month will not change either. Then you’re just a person who should stay on cycling.
If it’s more because you donated for 10 months and now come in glasses because the remaining 2 months are really short… then you might just need the teaching money of a new basic amount to learn self-motivation.
Even as a cyclist, and MUSS one should know the StVO, get the theory.
I learned the other day after more than 6 years: If a cyclist passes over the zebra strip, I can wood it and would have gotten right by StVO, as I would have traveled.
Yes, the questioner had to take 12 when he was riding a bicycle at the time. Doesn’t have anything to do with his difficulties with driving theory.
I dare to doubt that very strongly. As a road user, you are still in the duty to do everything possible to avoid an accident by means of danger braking, avoidance maneuvers or the like if another is wrong. You have a huge problem if a lawyer pretends that the accident could have been avoided if you were braking.
How do you know?
Bikers must climb and push from the wheel when crossing a road on the zebra strip – this is generally known. Or isn’t that the non-driver?
But do not re-wood, you can get a varying share of a partial debt.
So my contribution was more to be seen as sarcasm.
The same applies to the cyclist. As you said, if there is a partial debt here and strictly speaking, I do not have to give up my driveway to a driving cyclist. But whether it is meaningful to do exactly that in certain things is a completely different matter.
The cyclist may also receive a fine for disability.
Cyclists think in general they are the kings of the road and bring themselves and others to dangerous situations every day. I had to make 2x a danger braking due to a VEHICLE cyclist on a zebra strip despite 30 km/h, even a little under it that just shot over the road at once, although there was a visual impairment for both sides.
I only saw the cyclist because I could look under the visual impairment and saw the tire when I was about 5-10 meters in front of the zebra strip.
You mean that weird wire frame that some people drive around?
Ahhh…. that’s that bike.
Yes, of course, since there is also an inappropriate force relationship.
Unfortunately, there have been many situations with these “bicyclers”.