Führerschein Prüfung beim 1 mal duchgefallen?

Hallo zusammen ich hatte heute praktische Prüfung und bin 15-20 Minuten durchgefallen. Mein Fahrlehrer hat gebremst und da war die Prüfung schon vorbei und der Prüfer meinte ja es waren auch Fehler vorher passiert und wegen bremsen ist die Prüfung offiziell vorbei. Ich hatte das Gefühl der Prüfer war bissien streng

Was soll ich jetzt machen ich Stresse mich da sehr ich wollte eigentlich schon beim ersten mal bestehen. Schon ein Tag vor Prüfung hatte ich Fehler gemacht Parken kann ich gut aber auf der Straße vergesse ich Sachen durch stress und Krieg da Panik .

Mein Fahrlehrer meinte ich bestelle für dich eine neue Prüfungstermin.

Was sagt ihr dazu.

Habt ihr vielleicht irgendwelche Tipps.

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9 months ago

Don’t worry if you have stress, you’re making mistakes automatically. Just don’t look so strong on the tester.

One tip: If you finish the exam next time and he asks you how you assess yourself: Never say good, count your mistakes and say what you did wrong. They realize, you know what mistakes there was and don’t just drive on the street without brains. I was.

9 months ago

If you can’t pull the few minutes together and take the exam concentrated through, you’re a lasting hazard in everyday traffic. What would happen if you were exaggerating a child from stress? Work at your setting, relax and focus on doing the right, not on avoiding mistakes, driving a car is unfortunately dangerous, not only for you but for all.

9 months ago

Very normal, sometimes the diarrhea rate is 40 percent.

Generation Daddelfinger has never learned to focus on 45 minutes.

9 months ago
Reply to  blackhaya


Unfortunately, you’re right….

Motorcycle friends of mine have larger driving schools and if you hear what attitudes some of the students have today, then you wonder that there is no more going through the test….

How can it be that the driving instructor is asked after a 15 minute drive if you can’t even stop….you have to take a break and then you could check out mails…

Please read out Professor Becker’s contribution.



9 months ago

Your big mistake should have been that you have got the typical exam panic and many mean in this situation, all the more “perfect”.

However, this is completely wrong and leads to errors in many test specimens, which could have been avoided loosely, up to the failure of the test.

So what can you advise students with “testing panic”?

Actually, nothing great, just that you should do exactly there, which is why you took a lot of ashes into your hand and what time you spent on: doing what you learned during the driving hours.

The driving instructor has notified you for examination because he has considered you to be ready for examination, so he trusts you to pass the exam and to drive in the car afterhand (or if BF17 with accompanying person.)

Have you ever seen what changes exactly during the test over the driving hours?

The only thing that changes is that you get your directions from the “cheap places”, i.e. the backseat bank. The rest runs exactly as you learned and experienced during your driving hours.

Don’t be under pressure any more than you’re standing during the exam and do what you learned during the driving hours. Don’t try to make everything “possibly perfect” that only leads to mistakes because you’re distracting yourself in situations that don’t have to occur at all.