Führerschein Probezeit Handy mit HandyHalterung angeschaut nicht an getippt?
Handy Halterung an der Lüftung ausgestattet mein Blick war Kurt An der Handy meine Hände waren aber am Lenkrad. Und ich war zu schnell auf 30 Zone ging ich 55km es gab Toleranz Abzug 53 km ich war 23 km zu schnell. Bin noch in der Probezeit hatte schon mal 1 Punkt wegen Unfall. Was würde mich jetzt erwarten?
fines + 28,50€ costs as well as 1 point (at Tempo 30 I am tacitly going out from within).
If no construction seminar was arranged because of the accident, this is now arranged and the sampling time is extended by two years.
If the building seminar was arranged at that time and you have already completed it, you will now be advised to participate in a traffic psychology consultation. This means that the driving licence is withdrawn during the next A violation within the test period.
If the building seminar was arranged at that time, but you haven’t completed it yet (and the deadline has not yet expired), no sampling time measures will be taken.
I had already carried out an erection seminar and was finished after 3/4 months later I was flashed with 23 km too fast and looked at the phone
Because of the speed, what happens is already up.
The view of the cell phone remains without consequences.
Hm Okey but driving license lock or driving license abbe for paa months not?
The fine would be a bit higher, but for the trial period, it would not change.
Okey Thank you what if I had handy at hand and drove 23 km too fast what would ws expect me had already had 1 point because of an accident had already recently finished making mobile phone at hand and speed
Okey thank you so I wouldn’t get 1 point because of the speed and for the phone, or did I get it wrong?
There’s nothing happening, you can look at your handy. You can’t use it.
Yes I had not only looked at the address on the navi and was last 23 came flashing too fast
Who should know where you looked? Could have been every pedestal on your dashboard!