Führerschein nach fast 3 Monaten noch nicht angekommen?

Habe 1 Monat nach dem 17. Geburtstag meinen Führerschein bestanden (Dezember 2022) und jetzt ist er immer noch nicht da. Habe angekreuzt dass ich ihn selber abhole aber es kam nichts von der Post dass ich ihn abholen kann. Bekommt man den Führerschein vielleicht erst mit 18 Jahren? Ich kenne mich da nicht aus aber so wie ich es von meinem Fahrlehrer mitbekommen hat sollte er eigentlich 2 Wochen nachdem ich die Prüfung bestanden habe angekommen sein

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2 years ago

U18 gives only the certificate for accompanying driving

with 18 you can pick up the driver’s license.

but that would have to be known to all reasonable instructors

2 years ago

You only get your driver’s license with 18, until then the test certificate applies to accompanying driving (which you actually got after your test)

2 years ago

Certificate of examination

Driving training and driving tests at the BF17 are the same as those who acquire their driving licence from 18 years old.

After the driving test, you will not receive a driver’s license in card form with 17 but a certificate of examination on which your companions are noted. Together with your ID, the certificate of verification shall be deemed to be proof of your driving licence. You must always have the certificate of examination and your ID or passport if you drive.

Driving without accompaniment – from the 18th Birthday

With your 18. You can also drive your birthday without accompaniment with the exam certificate.

You have to exchange the certificate for the card driver certificate within three months – at the latest, it will lose its validity. Those who still travel with the certificate of examination after the end of the three months commit an offence.

The driving licence authority, which is often also called a driving licence, automatically assigns the ticket to your 18. Birthday. You can just pick him up there. To do this, you must present your certificate of examination and your ID or passport. Some counties also send the ticket by post. The competent authority shall inform you thereof. Better ask again what rule applies to you in your place of residence. […]

Source: https://www.bf17.de/fuehrerschein-mit-17/legal/

2 years ago

Did you get the pink note from the examiner? .