Führerschein mit 16?
, ist ein 16 Jähriger wirklich in der Lage alleine Auto zu fahren?
Ich rede nicht vom begleiten fahren mit 16 sondern wie in den USA alleine fahren.
Amis auf Reddit finden das total normal und komisch das man in Europa erst maximal mit 17 Autofahren darf und dann auch nur mit Beifahrer
At 16 most young people are still in puberty. In this time, a large rebuilding takes place in the brain, which limits the concentration, the ability to observe and the judgment in many young people (it is also said that these young people are “repelled”). No good condition for car or motorcycle driving. In the USA you know that too – but because of the bad public transport and the great distances of the pressure is much bigger to let young people drive as soon as they have completed the normal school (high school).
Most are still too immature with 18 or 20, which can be read daily in the newspaper and inexplicable accidents.
Self-accompanied driving is more critical, my driving instructor said, “with 17 you make such a “step” into responsible behavior again”
I believe that a speed limit is imposed in the United States.
Traffic in the USA is quite different than here. It goes much more disciplined and in many parts is also much less traffic.
Just otherwise we will soon have states like in India if we keep the age sinking
I can’t say that because I’ve never been to India, but it’s a lot more often in different areas of the USA.
You must have been in different parts than I have
is too early