Führerschein machen oder warten?

Hallo Leute,

ich bin endlich 18 und männlich.

Ich wollte immer gerne Auto fahren weil ich solche Karren mit Rädern echt geil finde.

Und ich will so gerne fahren und Führerschein machen aber bin leider krank.

Ich habe seit 1 Jahr Depressionen und bin in Therapie aber keine Medikamente.

Manchmal geht es mir ganz ok und mabchmal echt sch****

Und in schlechten Zeiten kommen immer mal wieder Selbsttötungsgedanken.

Sollte ich eurer Meinung nach trotz Krankheit den Führerschein machen und Auto fahren oder sollte ich noch warten ?


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2 years ago

Wait till you’re healthy. Otherwise, you’ll endanger yourself and others.

Aside from the fact that the driving station with such diseases will scarcely hire you a driving permit.

2 years ago
Reply to  HfPol110

How should they know?

2 years ago

He doesn’t have to tell them that’s correct. But with his illness, he will certainly have to deal with the police in the future, which it will inform the driving licence authority. If she knows, the lapel is gone. And that would be a shame.

2 years ago

With self-determination of driving a car is just like the plane captain who began suicide during the flight, in which he flew against a mountain and ripped hundreds into death

Not represented

Let it stay forever

2 years ago
Reply to  Krokodil1846

I can’t judge whether depression is curable

2 years ago

Why forever? You can cure something like that.

2 years ago
Reply to  HfPol110

Basically. In the case of depressive patients, the rideability, for example by taking certain antidepressants, can be temporarily restricted in road traffic.It is therefore only possible to make sure that it does not endanger itself and other road users..

https://www.betanet.de› depression…

Depression > Driving – driving licence – betanet

2 years ago

Yeah. Doesn’t it seem clear that he doesn’t take any medication?

2 years ago

In practice, the driving school is not easier in a depression. You’re harder and if something doesn’t work as easily as expected, you’re more frustrated and feeling even worse.

That’s why I’d leave this with the driver’s license until you’re mentally reloadable.

2 years ago

A lot more important for DEIN LEBEN is the overcoming of your depression.

ALL OTHER (!!!) is at the moment completely sidesome!!