Führerschein gutes Angebot?
Anmeldung 99€ (eigentlich 300€) Fahrstunden/Sonderfahrten 72€, theo. Prüfung 79€, Prakt. Prüfung 259€
App Gratis und wiederholen von Theorie Prüfung gratis.
ist das Angebot gut in heutiger zeit? Der Führerschein wird ja in der Zukunft nicht billiger werden…
Driving hours: expensive ..
Theo exam: expensive.
Prakt. Examination: expensive.
Registration and app for free: cheap. ^^
In the current situation you find nothing more favorable
Where are you from?
The registration contains 12 double hours. No one will stand for €99. Or the mass does it. Then 40 people sit in the room. But no one does not give up the money. In practice, it might fall on your feet.
This sounds for me after peasantries with subsequent thousands of additional costs in the GTC.