Führerschein Cannabis Patient?

In Deutschland ist es ja mittlerweile ziemlich einfach geworden, Cannabis Patient zu werden. Bei Seiten wie docnew oder medcan kann man dies online beantragen. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit gemacht, bei solchen Seiten Patient zu werden und dann eine Kontrolle im Verkehr zu erleben? Können die Beamten einem trotzdem den Führerschein wegnehmen?

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1 month ago

Consider that the driver’s license authority is very good to distinguish white between a ‘fast telemedicine assignment cannabis recipe’ and a serious medical cannabis prescription due to secured diagnosis.

An absolute cannabis ban applies to starters; only the detection of degradation products is sufficient for legal consequences.

1 month ago

With such telemedicine pages, you will not become a cannabis patient, but only receive a private recipe with which you can obtain cannabis.

A cannabis patient with patient status has to prove his driving safety in an MPU. If this proof is successfully provided, the patient must not drive beforehand under influence.

So if you like such a recipe and get you cannabis and then get caught by the police in traffic as you drive under influence happens to you the same as any other.



1 month ago
Reply to  nizzler1019

Because of degradation products, you no longer lose your driver’s license if you have more than 3.5ng/ml active THC in your blood.

And no one can be online no cannabis patient that goes only through the doctor, the health insurance and the BfArM

1 month ago

The BfArM has no influence on patient status

1 month ago

yes then you need to see that you have 0.0 ng/ml active THC in the blood. However, degradation products are no longer important.