Führerschein beantragen?
Hallo, ich wollte euch fragen, wo ich meine ganzen Papiere für den Führerschein abgeben muss, also Sehtest, erste hilfe kurs und das von der Fahrschule.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich zum Landratsamt muss oder das mit dem Handy irgendwo hinschicken soll
I don’t know if it’s regionally regulated and how it is currently handled, but it was with me a few years ago that the application had to be stamped by the driving school and that was then submitted with visual test and first aid course certificate in the town hall.
Why don’t you call the competent driver’s office, so you should be able to provide information.
thank you
Thanks for the ⭐
Either at the driving school and they’ll take care of it or if it’s a lazy driving school, you’ll have to go to the driving station.
you will have to pay personally
at the council office, right?