Führerschein antrag abgelaufenen, nächste Woche Fahrprüfung?
Ich habe gerade Erfahren das mein Antrags für den Führerschein BE beim Landratsamt angelaufen ist. Allerdings habe ich nächste Woche eigentlich die Fahrprüfung. Kann ich den Antrag noch nachreichen oder ähnliches oder muss ich die Prüfung Absagen?
How could your driving school register you for examination .. this is not possible normally.
Who told you that the application expired?
But in general – application expired, no examination.
There is no renewal .. only a new application. Working time with luck 4 weeks.
That would interest me too.
I do not believe that your examination period has expired, otherwise the inspection post would not have set the date until the expiry of the deadline.
On the basis of the Corona pandemic, the time limit was regularly extended by public order, last until 31.12.2021. If your deadline had expired, then for a very long time, and that would have been noticed by the verifier.
When did you pass the theory test?
Lower Saxony has no longer extended.
Do you live in Lower Saxony?
Hahaha Knochi if you know how many driving schools it is that they are registered for the theory, although the application has expired. Was just before nen att3nt@t to make the driving school. Fun
That’s striking. Thanks for the hint.
No, that’ll work for the questioner.
I’m not the questioner. ECT
Then I wonder why the TÜV still offers you an appointment. Before you do the test, you can talk to the tester. I’m almost sure you can still do the exam.
The extensions expired at the end of June. Driving schools were also only 7 weeks last year in March.
No driving examination can be registered without valid application. Before proceeding to the test, you must first submit a new application to the driving licence authority