Wenn ich bereits für den B Führerschein angemeldet bin und Termine haben in 3 Wochen und dann mit der Theorie beginne
ist es dann möglich den A1 Führerschein kurzfristig dazuzunehmen und dann sozusagen beides zusammen zu machen damit ich nachdem ich mit Auto fertig bin nicht nochmal die ganzen extra Stunden für A1 machen muss ?
danke im Voraus für ein offenes Ohr
LG Pascal
Hello Pascal,
that should go as far as I know.
Just ask your driving school if the registration for the motorcycle driver’s license is going through in the 3 weeks. Maybe you can even get a discount.
I’d make your A2 license. A1 and A2 cost approximately the same, with the difference that you have more choice of motorcycles with the A2.
LG Schurzi21
Why not the A2? You write about B!
Of course, you also have to submit the corresponding licence application.
Hey thank you for your quick answer
A1 is enough for me to do this with the request if I already have dates for B?
so to speak re-enroll on A1 and B even if I have already paid the money for B but have not yet started teaching
But you pay almost the same, and if you want to drive bigger motorcycles, it won’t go or you’d have to start again at the driving school. Ask your driving instructor or driving school if this is still possible. As far as I know, this should go.
Yeah, that sounds good, you sure did the right thing. Motorcycle driving makes fun 😉👍
Hey it worked I just had to pay 220€ basic fee again and 5 euros more than for the car for every hour is great or?
Will I make thank you for your help
Yes, that would be annoying and extra cost for you. Think you can do something else. You can write here if it worked. 👍
Ok thanks this gives me a lot of hope would have little desire to make unnecessary extra hours because I have uttered this