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7 months ago


I don’t live in Düsseldorf so I can’t recommend driving school.

But I can tell you that the driver’s license is not possible within 2 weeks.

For the driver’s license you need:

  1. 12 double hours theory basic material (90 minutes)
  2. 2 double hours theory additive
  3. Basic training (for most trainers it is 30 driving hours, i.e. 15 double hours)
  4. 12 special driving hours ( 5 overland, 4 motorway and 3 in the dark)
  5. Existence of theoretical examination
  6. Existence of the practical examination

In most driving schools, you have to pass the theory before you can get into practice. You may start practical training a little bit more with good luck. Before you can start the practical driving hours, you will need a visual test anyway and you must have attended a first aid course.

After that, you need to send a registration, the visual test and the proof that you took part in a first aid course to the traffic office and wait until you get your papers back with a confirmation. Depending on the place of residence, it can take a few weeks.

Most driving schools also have only 4 days a week where you can then appear for theoretical lessons, which means you need at least 2 – 3 weeks for the theoretical lessons alone. It’s only if you show up four times a week.

For the theoretical examination, you will be admitted by the driving school anyway only if they believe that you are the best. The driving schools also want the app to be completely and properly processed. If you are then admitted to the theory check, you can wait for an appointment for a few months, depending on where you live. If you don’t insist, you’ll have to wait for the two weekly lock anyway, if the next free appointment isn’t even far away.

How long the basic training takes in the practical hours then depends on you again, depending on how fast you learn to move your KFZ safely and reliably from A to B. Of course you must not forget the 12 special trips. In addition, you’re not the only rider that means when you drive every day, it’s a maximum of a double hour and then you have to be a favorite of the driving instructor that he prefers you. Let’s assume you need as many driving hours as the average and you can drive every day, at 30 normal rides and 12 special drives you need 7 weeks.

For practical testing, you will also be admitted only if the driving instructor is of the opinion that you are best. Depending on where you live, you can also wait a few months for an appointment. If you fall through the practice, you have a two-week barrier as in the theory check and also have to arrange a new appointment there.

After all, you just have to wait until you can pick up your driver’s license or send it to you.

Not without a reason you say that a driver’s license will take half a year.

Best regards

7 months ago
Reply to  DragonAnime

So when I made my driving license (2018), there were still several driving schools that offered the driving licence in the crash course in 7 days. As a pupil, one was either driving or teaching theory. Registration for examination has already been made in advance without knowing whether the student would exist.

Isn’t there anything like that anymore?

7 months ago
Reply to  xAnonymous33

I ended my driver’s license three months ago. Of course, it can be the driving schools in big cities that offer. Maybe it was also wrong that I didn’t write that it was my experience in the driving school.

7 months ago

Search on the Internet e.g. according to “[ort/region] pkw führerschein ferien kurs” (possibly “ferien” replaced by “crash”).


7 months ago

Can I create it within 2 weeks

XD no. In Poland, maybe.

7 months ago

Look here at City Driving School in düsseldorf. Under speed.

Here the link: Schnellkurs/