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I live in a village and not in a dictatorship city. And yes, I feel comfortable there.
What do you mean?
If this happens to happen to my hometown, the Leutles here are all freely chosen and I have freedoms that millions of people in the rest of the world dare not even dream.
xD YOU have no plan what fascism and dictatorship are. As free as here in Europe you don’t live anywhere in the world. Only cring that many still feel locked up OBWOHL can write them here online (zb) what they want OHNE that 30 min later the thought police is on the door as in so many other countries. There are countries where such sites are not allowed at all because it is forbidden to spread its own opinion. There are countries where you can’t say anything if you’re dissatisfied because otherwise you’ll land in jail or be shot. Fascism=expression of free opinion. HERE, you can express your opinion. But having a free opinion does not mean that one may undermine the free opinion of others by compelling them to be of the same opinion. It’s called democracy. You can say and write what you want. But everyone can. And no one has to agree. It is also democracy and NO fascism.
And the AfD is treated as democratic when elections are reversed, for example
What choice was made “returning”?
What elections have been undone?
Try to emigrate from a state like North Korea or the Maldives. You’d kiss the floor in D if you ever make it unlikely. At least alive.
You know, you can cry around so much you want. Pack your clothes and move. Even that’s what you’re supposed to feel.
You should be looking for a doctor.
Unfortunately vaccinated with the microchips
Sure Franz. Are you unvaccinated?
They are actually being manipulated by the government
Neither does it have to, it is simply a new one chosen and finished.
Thanks for the compliment, but I’d like to give it back to you because I’m overrated smoothly.
No, the candidate has just resigned. Elections cannot be undone! This is simply undemocratic and also unconstitutional.
Are you stupid? The choice has been reversed despite the clear vote for a fdp vitze
But there were no new elections as a local election
Because a few heize ? That should be your democracy, if the results do not fit, she’s choice will be undone. Is one opinion for you democracy?
Of course, there was a re-election of the Prime Minister because the first elected resigned. Whether Merkel, whoever called, is completely unimportant as long as she has not visited him with a Kalashnikov or has visited him.
and because a few Heinze are against it you should do something now? Consider your feelings? Sure. You have my condolences.
There were no new elections! And they were simply undone after the call Merkel, Sudan’s red-green can continue to rule
Yeah, there’s nothing undone, but new ones, right? How was that again? I’m not a Thuringian expert.
Thuringia 2020
He thinks this stupid prime ministerial election in Thuringia a few years ago. It’s all bullshit with the rear suspension.
You’re probably too often in the bladder of your neonazi friends, that you’ll return their bullshit here. Thinking helps.
Or do you just want to roll around?
Is that a question or a finding?
If there is no answer, I will take it as a statement.
If you are looking for Nazi friends and Nazi methods including KZs, where you murdered Nawalny and others, then move to Russia. You can continue to practice right here. But be careful. When you criticize Putin, you also land in the gulag, which you can call a KZ.
Where is a dictatorship city? – Not in Germany!
We live in a democratic state where I feel comfortable. I don’t think I’m good. I can’t imagine another state where I could feel comfortable.
Democracy only in the right opinion aha
When was the last time you were arrested for a wrong opinion?
You’re right. It is also important to me to stress that democracy as a system is not perfect. And that there are also gaps or optimization requirements in every democratic state.
Here, a fish
Now back under the bridge.
Path with the dictaturoaragraf
Paragraf 130 stgb is the grave of freedom of expression
§ 130 StGB is not about opinions. Hatred, rush and lies are not an opinion that is subject to the protection of Article 5 of the Basic Law.
Paragraf 130 StGB . Tim Kellner , Shlomo were already under construction because of their opinion
You can emigrate from Russia.
He’s probably living in D and he’s just trying to catch up. He can’t suffer if others enjoy their freedom, he dares nix, has no money and tends the lichen to succeed. screaming for love, so the doctors wrote, and they were right. He feels unloved. Well, many don’t love Nazis, that’s the result.
I feel comfortable here because Germany is of course not a fascist dictatorship. But I am sure you want to know that and with your question only – in an extremely plump manner and very low level – to provoke.
What city are you talking about?
I live in no fascist dictatorship city
and also in no fascist dictatorship state.
Many things are not going well in my state,
but many others are very good.
No, I wouldn’t feel comfortable in Russia.
So first, it’s called “state.” Secondly, of course, there are authoritarian trains that I do not approve. Thirdly, there is already an unpleasant culture of education in German media and politics. But please, we’re far from a fascist state. And just those who claim there are so many bans, restrictions, etc., choose parties that are far more radical! I am all but pleased with the constant efforts of established parties for nearly 25 years to introduce more surveillance and to restrict privacy and privacy for citizens. But then I will choose parties who want to stop this development. And these are certainly not parties that call the present state fascist!
What party is fascist for you, AfD calling for direct democracy?
Of course, the AgDlers are fascists and Nazis. It was even found in court. Lupenreine Democrats, how are you going to have respect for the right?
The AfD, which calls for direct democracy, which is basically not a bad idea, hopes to achieve its objectives. If they come to power, they will only be able to vote for those who are either born in Germany, have German parents or have lived here for several years. And she will certainly also want to exclude in any way those who in her opinion “left-handed” from it!
Educational culture. You have the freedom to watch RT to create a “free” counterweight.
You’re about to exaggerate. Just because the day’s show is not optimal, RT is not automatically better.
How old are you when I can ask? I was born in 1984.
Yes, I am only partly concerned with politics, but find that in energy policy and migration policy, as well as economic policy, this left policy will ruin us. AfD is also most often confronted with violence
If that’s true, you’ll take care of your life. What sometimes helps me is not to deal with politics for a while. The political landscape is quite dirty. And also news mainly report negative. I prefer to work with art, science and sports. I feel much more positive.
Yes, because I choose the AfD and the politicians in my county day group have reported much worse. Some are attacked by far-left extremes and others can’t go to the sports club of their children because of the wrong definition
Social exclusion is definitely a problem. This happens sometimes too fast. A social system always has limits. Anyone who is radical or who is simply very individual is completely excluded. I don’t think that’s right. And if you feel marginalized, I can understand that very much. In certain groups and social constellations, that’s what happened to me.
to look at the people of the party socially or to fight with violence as well as to treat fascist ah
You, I will definitely not try to prescribe what to choose. I’m just showing my view here. I think it’s important that you look at many parties more closely before you decide.
Yes I believe that the AfD is just as one party as any other and should have the same rights. The insult and diffamation towards the people who choose the AfD is not beneficial and one should accept it if the population now wants right/conservative policy
Yes, some speeches also on the AfD channel at YouTube. And the basic program has been a while, but I’ve read it.
No. Not at all. You obviously do not understand the difference between implication and equivalence. And it sounds useful to me to discuss with you. I still thank you for the exchange, because I think it is important to try to talk to each other with serious differences in opinion.
you looked at what you were talking about. Have you looked at them completely on the channel of the AfD without being angry, because then you see that this is absolutely zero fascist.
But you have, since you said that the AfD would be fascist, which also means that for you it would be the contrary of democratic
Yeah, I saw speeches from the two. And yes, I know that there are also people in the left who are not quite close and capable of crime.
Due Tagesschau disseminates numerous incorrect information
I have not said anything about what I think is democratic.
So much for the subject won in court. Yes, I know. The day’s only a liar press. Blabla. Certainly, the day’s show makes mistakes. But if she talks about judgments, you can trust them.
Have you seen any talk of panicks or cranial? What about the left who call for violence against unimpeded or right?
You say something, although due AfD is only the criminal and the vicious immigrants and also people who are here to emigrate from the welfare state.
You just have to listen to the AfD yourself. At party days, interviews and so on. Then you can reimburse everything together.