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If the food was good, I feel good, whether it was meat or vegie.
If I mean, if I have conscience bites for the animals etc: no. The human being is biologically seen from his digestive tract an all-eater. And even if you could live pure plant, there is no reason for it. Animal food belongs to natural food in humans.
I always feel good when I ate something delicious. Whether it is fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, sweets, legumes or whatever.
If I didn’t feel good after that, I wouldn’t eat it.
Actually, good. I eat meat almost only chickens and beef and since that is usually associated with a protein rich, low calorie meal, I feel good after that:)
I think it’s more about the psyche and the poor animal
It’s about how I feel after eating meat. I let everything go.
Since some of my absolute favourite dishes contain meat, I feel good after that – except I have eaten over.
Morally, I am with me in pureness about the consumption of animal products.
Mostly it tastes and definitely makes me sick. Being satt makes per se happy and with meat a little happier, which is probably favored by the high amounts of fats in the meat and the associated production of additional bliss hormones. Go with two snickers.
Depends. Magere’s meat is not a problem. I can’t get pig well.
But I hardly eat meat. So I don’t feel bad either.
I guess it’s not about the fat and the stomach problems, but more about the psyche, the poor animal.
I didn’t hurt any animal if I had a steak on the grill and put it down.
I know. That’s why the second paragraph.
Hello there you don’t need to think long, Magere’s beef is healthy, there is no doubt that comes again to the amount of
No, I don’t have any conscience shit. Has a lion e.g. B
Neither since I don’t eat meat at all.
Since it is almost always part of a larger meal, I feel mainly tired afterwards.
I feel good when it tasted, whether meat or vegetables.
Very good, excellent, saturated.
Another Krakauer? Or rather a pig chop, cattle liver, chicken heart or a bouquet – Steak.?
Except it was a grandiose steak from pasture…then I am happy
If I’m tired, I’m fine.
Stock 14
So if the meat is fresh – if not then not
Super because I have it in my stomach and am full and full
Physically, anyway.
Because then I’m tired.
Because fewer animals suffer and die than alternative plants.
Keep it normal!
I really don’t understand why I should feel bad.
Meat is mega.
Mega horny because it tasted.
Because tired and happy
then my hunger is still.
If I felt bad, I wouldn’t eat it
if it was delicious and good meat, I feel good.
no cheap meat.
extreme……….after 500 gramm gaybow I believe in allah and convert
And tired.
That’s enough.
Mhh meat is so horny
I love meat
Eating means enjoying for me. And enjoyment enhances my well-being.
But I eat only very rarely and if then very high quality meat.
I usually prefer vegetables, or something else meatless.