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2 years ago

I was talking to a group of mathematicians at the last faculty party for a while. There was nothing high-natured or lifted up.

The physicists, they’re a little weird. In principle, for the better mathematicians 😉

2 years ago

Sry if this has nothing to do with the question but I have seen because I have seen several of your asking and who were so different, once looked at me a few of your 1,500 asking and either you ask not only for you or you: Want to study and work full time, have a child who wants to educate trilingual and do a lot of sport to stay in shape. Isn’t that a bit much? XD And there is also a relationship to lead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mmmmm843

The porn career she seeks not to forget and that she wants to go through food with only 50 euros a month (noodles and potatoes).

2 years ago

Of course. And the philosophy students are beyond good and evil.

2 years ago

Math students feel like math students.

What should “Gods:inside” be?

Can “Götter:innen” solve math practice list quickly and well?
Then every Mathe student would probably wish to be “Götter:innen”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rubezahl2000

Stud*enden isn’t bad either, is it? There is no need for gender. *g*

2 years ago

Why would they? It’s a study program. If you’re interested in it, it’ll fit.