Fühle mich nach Impfung schlecht?
Hallo liebe user,
ich wurde heute morgen um 10 Uhr geimpft und fühle mich gerade richtig schlecht. Ich fange bald mit der Arbeit an, aber überlege mir Bescheid zu sagen das ich nicht heute arbeiten kann.
Ist es möglich das es wegen der Impfung ist?
LG Elias
Yeah, it can be a vaccination. Let yourself be sick.
That’s normal
yes, let’s write you sick.
Ok thank you for your answer
It is possible to have vaccination mild side effects, but still better than the actual disease
What disease? In addition, vaccination can also be significant Side effects to death occur!
This will be very much dead!
Look at this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4E0dwFS72gk if you still think you shouldn’t inoculate, don’t help you anymore
so as far as I know no one has died annoying and authism has also been restored
This is not going to be dead, you can read it at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.
Hello Lindan,
Side effects due to vaccination can always occur. As a rule, they are not present until easily. Of course, there are also extincts – as with you right now – who react a little more strongly.
If the symptoms do not end in the next days, I would advise you to visit your doctor as a layman. He may then prescribe to you preparations that fight against your symptoms until they end up again.
Whether you want to get sick or not depends entirely on you whether you feel ready for work or not.
Yes, of course! The gate chip triggers XD
No, so yes, there may be side effects! It’s best to let you write sick.
Depends on vaccination
It can be that you are tired or slightly weak because your imunsystem needs energy to process the vaccination
It can also occur very light syntomes of disease and feverish but when awaxed it is rare
If you really don’t get sick and rest day out
Yes sometimes it’s bad after a flu vaccination! But the Dan often only 1-2 days! Or even at the vaccination day!
Who this is let Dan write you sick for the few days!
You know, I’ve been like that before.
I even got fever 2 days after vaccination!
The body naturally reacts to vaccination. The fact that you can’t work on this is probably the exception.
Yes possible
Without knowing what vaccination it was – yes, that can come from vaccination, after all, the immune system is “forced” by vaccination. This is quite normal, however, as long as it does not go beyond fever, depletion and pain at the puncture site, depending on the vaccination, light symptoms of illness can also be added. It’s over after a few days.
If you don’t care, the doctor will surely give you sick.
Slowly, I think more and more that the vaccinators are right about what they say.
a noticeable physical response to vaccination in the following days is within the scope of normal
The healthiest people I know are completely unvaccinated.
The healthiest people I know are completely vaccinated.
yes, a completely arbitrary and unjustifiable claim…
Great “study” you link…
a single study of anyone or several studies of the same person are not sufficient to prove scientifically anything…
Facts must be considered by other persons or persons in science Being a scientist
A study alone is therefore not sufficient evidence of a situation
Please explain what was wrong with the study – I am curious.
ne, it doesn’t get wrong…
it was already wrong…
a single study of anyone or several studies of the same person are not sufficient to prove scientifically anything…
It won’t be wrong if you call the source “conspiracy page” or criticize the font type.
again like a conspiracy side…
is not better posted in bold script…
Mawson and his team found vaccinated children significantly more likely their unvaccinated counterparts to be prone to allergic rhinitis (hay fever) [10.4% versus 0.4%], other allergies [22.2% vs. 6.9%], eczema/atopic dermatitis [9.5% vs. 3.6%], a learning disability [5.7% vs. 1.2%], ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) [4.7% vs. 1.0%], ASD (autism spectrum disorder) [4.7% vs. 1.0%], any neurodevelopmental disorder (learning disability, ADHD, ASD) [10.5% vs. 3.1%]
I don’t know who’s going to read it
And there are many factors why children get sick that you could only spend in a labor study, that would be something unethical
Kinds have different gene, different diets, different social environment,…
And you don’t know how it looks like if they weren’t vaccinated a maser wave and chess 10% of children and the late episodes aren’t that great
I never said that I would create a study about my friends and acquaintances.
Most are vaccinated and have to do with many zipperlein and the few who have absolutely no vaccination in their lives have not to do with it. Absolutely subjective perception of me, I am aware. But again fits the KiGG’s study.
and what kind of control group are you going to keep them down?
Another great example for you I am vaccinated and had not even a cold for 6 years – but you will ignore this because it speaks to your views again
A completely empty comment that tries to diffuse my view. You could have stayed with the other contributions. Or you didn’t want to read the article from the doctor’s sheet.
“I slept on the thumb with the hammer. Now he hurts. Can it be that that comes from the hammer?”
You’re asking the obvious. You just have a cocktail of fresco proteins and adjuvants – these are mainly poisons – that put your immune system in light panic.
I hope you know what you got there. Search on the Internet for the specialist information about this vaccine and read the package leaflet. You should’ve done that before, but you probably wouldn’t have let yourself intrude. ;
You want to know what adjuvants are.
you are
By the way, did you know that most foreign substances in the vaccine are not even declared?
Which are not declared?
Yes, it’s much more beautiful to die than something dizzy
Masern dies as good as no man nowadays. In 2018, 72 people were in the EU as a whole. This number can be neglected statistically.
I won’t let anything stand like that anymore…
“The smart guy’s giving up.” Is not a rule, but an observation worth changing.
I understand your concern. The same thing he can say about you.
A discussion always includes two.
It is not a problem to continue the discussion, but I think it is in the interest of the questioner and other users not to continue this here, but rather via PN, or in the forum. Other people could also participate in the forum and share their opinions.
If you do not want to continue the discussion, it is best not to comment on the comments.
But I understand that it is difficult sometimes to give up or let things stand like that without saying anything again.
I’m not different.
But he likes to keep going…
Guys, you’re digging off the subject. It was originally about whether the symptoms of vaccination can be triggered.
Now you have a basic discussion about vaccination damage, measles, corona and beasts.
Everyone has his opinion. You have to accept them. None of you are wrong. If you have to discuss the topic so much, you can use the forum or the PN function.
The real question is already put into the background.
Please don’t take this personally. It’s just an opinion of me.
I wish you a pleasant afternoon.
I don’t think so.
Your statement was that the decline in infectious diseases was due exclusively to the better hygienic conditions.
My question about the country of Haiti was: why is there no more polio, but Cholera? It is due to hygiene or, if necessary, to a comprehensive vaccination.
And you start from Corona and the short work of Bestatters!!!
Just provoke. I see. Go on.
Nothing, but I didn’t want to know anything about it.
You’re completely over the subject now.
Try it with self-thinking and research. Statistics on the spread of the measles are easy to find and when the vaccination was introduced, you should even find it at Wikipedia. Should not take longer than to write such provocative contributions.
We don’t have a “problem” with Corona at least no larger than with the Rhino Influenza, Rotoviren etc.
This disease has a CFR of less than one percent.
Doctors and beasts are in short work. I expect something different from a “Pandemie”.
The ingredients are listed in the package leaflets. What are the indications that there are substances that are not declared?
And – where can I read this story? So the ones that you asked authorities that have referred to the manufacturers? Who asked? Why do you even ask the authorities, even the top authorities? And what authorities are in the case the “most”?
Why don’t you ask yourself a laboratory to examine the vaccines for non-declared ingredients?
Suppose the manufacturers would answer now that exactly the substances that stand on the package leaf – would the questioners believe that?
Quite simply: You want to research what ingredients are in it with the top authorities, which refer to the pharmaceutical industry and there you can hear that is business secret! In all cases the same!
It’s better because it doesn’t work. Read his previous answers…
Users inactive
Well, that’s what we could all learn…
Aaah again someone with the hygiene argument.
Is Haiti polio-free because of the excellent hygienic conditions??
If so, why is there a problem with Cholera at the same time?
I’ve been asking here a few days ago, but unfortunately the writer wasn’t moving to an answer.
So I guess you’re upset about the aluminum salts that are administered once and in low dose with vaccination
I don’t know. Where’s that known? Where can you read about it? Why do you know that there are undefined ingredients, but not which ones are? How did you prove that?
they don’t…
the immune response generates the antigen…
Aids support only
Because it’s known!
If you’re just trapping propaganda, it makes little sense. Research what this is and then you can ask yourself why this is needed to create an “immune response”.
they improve the immune response… so everything is good!
no reason to get excited!
Auxiliary substances are all substances which support the product in its function and condition but do not represent the active substance itself.
Please find out what adjuvants are.
If the hygenstanders were so high, we wouldn’t have a problem corona, would we?
And what hygenically close in the 18th century the against diseases that I would like to listen to (especially when the hands were washed only in the 29th century)
Masons have little to do with hygiene standards. We benefit from better hygiene in diseases that are spread through poor hygiene, e.g. through dirty water. In the case of diseases transmitted via droplet infections, better hygiene helps little. Once cute enough.
Do you happen to have a source for the decline of the measles “so long” before introduction of vaccination?
yes, excipients…
these are carriers and preservatives…
So you don’t know? How do you know that there are unclear foreign substances?
It is not about carriers and preservatives. It’s about the adjuvant.