Fühle mich hässlich, traue mich nicht auszugehen?
Wie es im Titel bereits steht fühle ich mich sehr sehr hässliche und habe Angst, rauszugehen und unter Menschen zu sein. Ich bin dann immer sehr nervös und kann an nichts anderes denken, als wie ich gerade aussehe. Ich schaffe es nicht Leuten in die Augen zu gucken und mein Herz bebt immer sehr schnell, und ich zittere auch. Ich wäre am liebsten einfach unsichtbar.
Ich weiß es gibt Leute draußen, die “hässlicher” sind als ich, und dass ich objektiv gesehen wahrscheinlich einfach durchschnittlich aussehe, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht dass zu realisieren. Weiß jemand wie ich diese Angst endlich loswerden kann und einfach selbstbewusst werde..?
That sounds like a frightening disorder and there should be a professional help. I can only give you a couple of tips.
Take a couple of post-its and write a few positives. I look beautiful today, I have a nice laugh. I don’t need to be afraid of anything. And these are things that you distribute in your apartment, rooms, and you always read them aloud when you walk past one.
You will remember these sentences and their needy until you believe.
It won’t cure you, but it’ll be better.
You can also actively look at people in you. Always keep your head up and never look on the floor. Look at people in the city most interested in you and don’t look at you.
All such simple things will help.
Then look for a therapist or even a self-help group.
If you have any questions, ask. I’ve done all this before.
Thank you
Thanks Jokil for this great comment!
You’re in a very difficult phase, no more child, but not yet adult. The hormones play crazy, and the self-confidence is going to blow. Because everything changes.
You’re not alone with these feelings. And it requires courage to admit how vulnerable you are.
The fact is that even other people of your age are so busy with themselves, their appropriate problems and their self-representation that they do not pay attention to you. You’re virtually invisible to her while you think everyone’s looking at you.
Ideally, you will find security and acquiescence in your own family, but otherwise puberty will eventually pass. A butterfly slips out of the doll, the ugly duck becomes a radiant swan.
Even if it’s hard for you to believe in it.
Best for you
Giwalato 🤗
People are not really interested in one. You’re not being watched as much outside as you sometimes feel.
The Right
I can tell you nobody’s interested in you on the street. They don’t care how you look.
Then you might urgently need a therapy
Can’t be changed anyway, so why do worry 🤷 ♂️
The same applies to death, why fear of death, if you know that you can’t really change a lot.