Fox kills 9 chickens and carries them away in 30 minutes?

Hey, I saw a lot of feathers in front of and in my chicken run this morning…

I suspect it was a fox, but I wonder if a fox could really carry off nine chickens in 30 minutes (do foxes also work in packs?). My rooster had one or more fights about 50 meters from the chicken coop (his feathers were lying everywhere). Can foxes jump over a 1.80 meter high fence, since there's a 1.80 meter high fence between the chicken coop and the place where the rooster fought (without a hole and without an open gate)? Two of the 11 chickens survived (they sat in the coop, shocked and very scared).

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4 years ago

It can be both a marten and a fox.

Marder decayed, stimulated by the panic of chickens, sometimes in a kind of blood rush. Then everything that moves will be killed. To some extent they can also dig, and also climb well.

Füchse can very well dig and(what many do not know) climb excellently. Füchse do not act in the pack, but it happens that a fox returns several times. They can jump well.

Did you find dead chickens? Or much blood? Marders often bite chickens off their head to bleed them out.

4 years ago
Reply to  HuenerFuchs

How deep is the fence anchored in the ground?

4 years ago

It could have been a marten. They both don’t hunt in the pack.They kill all chickens from hunting instincts would also be common, but most of them would let them lie more and only take one.

4 years ago
Reply to  HuenerFuchs

What does that have to do with it? You must have seen people in the area. Maybe it was one of them.

4 years ago

Usually foxes take only 1-2 chickens, and buddle under fence or jump over smaller fence sections

4 years ago
Reply to  HuenerFuchs

You could set up a camera and see if you see something

4 years ago
Reply to  HuenerFuchs

It’s funny, because of the fence, I would have tipped on a bird, but there’s a net. I would have ruled out a fox because he wouldn’t take 9 chickens, and a marder would probably have killed all of them in blood rush, but there would have been bodies left behind.

4 years ago

Can be quite, foxes can jump up to 2 to 2.20 meters. But can be just as good a bird of prey. In the future, I would advise you to also span a net about the enclosure that has saved many of my chickens life.

4 years ago
Reply to  HuenerFuchs

Okay, that’s all right. Take a look at whether there is a small hole somewhere, otherwise a little Mader could have used it. If it wasn’t, I’m sorry to end with my Latin…

4 years ago

Fox kills 9 chickens and drags them away in 30min?

Yes then he was starving.

Maybe he dug a hole where he went through…

Yes, he can even jump higher.

4 years ago

can it have been robbers??

4 years ago

Füchse I think single-goers

4 years ago

Yeah, that can be.

4 years ago

Didn’t you hear anything?