Fuchs im Garten?
Hallo, ich hab jetzt schonmal 2 Mal in unserem Garten einen Fuchs gesehen. Da jetzt sommer ist und meine Katze nachts jetzt sehr wahrscheinlich immer draußen bleibt so wie jetzt auch schon, hab ich ein wenig Angst, das der fuchs sie erbeuten könnte. Im internet stand das ein Fuchs wenn es eine Konfrontation zwischen fuchs und katze gibt, er sie schonmal erbeuten kann. Meine katze ist seehrrr zickig und machthabend. Jetzt hab ich wie gesagt angst, das die sich anlegen und dann ja… kann man den fuchs irgendwie wegtreiben oder sonst irgendeine Lösung?
With this possibility you will have to live.
This is the normal nature. What do you mean, what your cat has for encounters at night…
But I wouldn’t worry too much about it, usually predators (so both the fox and your cat) aren’t stupid, which also avoid unnecessary confrontations. And the main source of the fox should be mice.
Don’t let the cat out for the first time at night. But I mean, whether in your garden or not, a fox can meet them everywhere 🤷🏻 ♀️
Fox and cat usually get out of the way, I have 5 foxes and two cat litters in the garden, recently also a marten. Everybody’s out of the way. Never happened. Besides, the fox doesn’t like a cat, it’s too defensive.
As a rule, foxes and cats come together well. They have the same prey spectrum, but do not see themselves as competitors. Fighting between foxes and cats is very rare, because they are both fighting and everyone knows that a fight would not bring much. Only cat puppies or old, sick or otherwise weakened cats could fall victim to an adult fox if he is very hungry or has to provide boy. Mostly, they do not pay attention to each other, but go their way.
The fox is now a wild animal and does not stick to land limits.
With us, they now also belong to the daily appearance during the day and enter the pawl at night with the raccoons.
Your cat will have to arrange himself or badly.
Healthy cats are not a simple prey for a fox, young or old. An experienced fox could already exploit them if he can surprise them.
No, you can’t do anything, even if the fox isn’t in your garden, she can meet him right behind the garden fence, and if anything happens, then you’d prefer where you would find your cat in emergency, and not in any remote alley…
leave the fox where he is and your cat has nothing to fear.
Since you have a fox in the garden, he would have to find a food source somewhere.
It was the bird food with me.
I don’t know how your garden is. With us it was in winter, through the tracks we knew where his school prick is. We locked him up. Because foxes always go the same way.
We have cats everywhere. Nothing has happened so far. I think it is very rare that a fox then exploited a cat. They are usually very bare and run away.
If you worry, don’t let your cat out at night.
On the Internet you find many tips on how to make it possible to distribute a fox.
Maybe there’s something for you.