Fuchs an Mensch gewöhnt?

Und zwar ich sehe jetzt seit einen halben Jahr immer in der Nacht so um 0:30 einen Fuchs wenn ich mit meinen Hund raus gehe.

Ich wohne in der nähe von einem Wald (Stadtgrenze). Ich habe eine Bordoauxdogge sind für Wildschein,- Bärenjagd gezüchtet.

Jetzt zu den Problem. Der Fuchs rennt mir dauerhaft hinterher 1 Meter Abstand. Hat der Fuchs einen knall? Oder hat der Tollwut oder irgendwas anderes.

Und ja mein Hund will ihn zerfleischen.

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1 year ago

He might have grown up in custody by man. It’s not rarity. A friendly förster runs a breeding station for injured animals. Among them are grabs, tails,-heads, rams (bottle rearing),Füche,u.a/ I personally raised a stone marten with the bottle for years and later handed it over to the förster. A few months later, he even visited me on the bright day, came curious up to about 1.5 m. My voice seemed familiar to him and I knew it was him. Later he visited me at night(one heard it). The population of Mardern increased in the following years and seemed like he never lost my eyes. In the darkness, I often met at home a marten who did not possess a certain barbarity and also did not escape as usual at Mardern. The distance was reduced. I want to express that it would also be possible with the fox,while there are cases where foxes can be kept like a dog. He’s out of rabies. 1m distance would be too low for a wild animal without human experience. Either fed, although it doesn’t seem to me to feed a fox,or as described with me(hand-breeding?). Trying to look closer, is it perhaps a gold scale? They’ve been here for a while.

1 year ago

Maybe he was fed. You shouldn’t do that. Often such animals get the wrong food and lose their shy. They do nothing good with it.

In fact, some fed larger animals, such as bears, wild boars, had to be shot at wolves because they were too intrusive.

1 year ago

The fox runs behind me permanently 1 meter distance. Does the fox have a bang? Or the rabies or something else.

He just won’t have a barn. That happens, foxes are sometimes cheeky or curious.

Or any man was so stupid and fed him, for example, and used to doing the man good to him.

In the case of rabies, he would have been aggressive and there would have been appropriate symptoms (before the mouth).

1 year ago

So Tollwut is in Germany Ausgerottet (except for bats) so I don’t think he has rabies.
Either the fox is so hungry that he is really desperate, or he really has a bang. Or he was fed by any kind of people already, that he thinks slowly, he can pick something up everywhere and hopes you have something.

1 year ago

Great natural experience with the fox. Your dogge won’t catch him, the fox is too fast. So enjoy it.

1 year ago

He’s probably just curious. Young foxes are often very cheeky and need to learn fear and caution from people first.

1 year ago

Maybe he was fed by some brain and lost his barn, otherwise I can’t really explain.

1 year ago

young foxes are often not so shy.