Frühzeitige Periode trotz Einnahme von Pille?
Ich bin recht jung und nehme schon die Pille. Ich nehme die Pille seit ca 2 Monaten und vertrage die auch gut aber ich habe heute meine Periode bekommen, obwohl sie erst in einer Woche kommen sollte. Ich habe gehört dass die Periode mit der Pille immer pünktlich kommen sollte. Ist das schlimm oder hat es was zu bedeuten? Ist es einfach nur eine Schmierblutung? Sollte ich damit zum Arzt gehen?
Danke im Vorraus
Then your body hasn’t used to it yet. Ask the doctor best.
I wouldn’t recommend letting your body control tablets. It hurts your body and has many side effects. This could already be a side effect.
There are also many good hormone-free alternatives. :
Hello, you don’t take the pill very long, and your body has to get used to it. This usually takes 3 to 6 months.
>>Is that bad or does it mean anything? Is it just a lubricating bleeding? < <
Yeah, it’s just an intermediate bleeding. She’s not bad or has something to mean…
>> Should I go to the doctor with this?<
Nö, is normal and therefore not necessary.
>>I have heard that the period with the pill should always come on time. ANNEX
This is often the case, but unfortunately not always. Especially not when new entry into the prevention by means of pill. I’m pretty sure you’ll have to laugh at your posting at some point, if everything will be perfect with you with the pill. – Many greetings, Imke =)
I think it’s an intermediate hemorrhage. Otherwise, ask your doctor best. I didn’t take the pill long.
No, you didn’t.
If you take the pill, you have no period. That’s the point of the pill. She prevents you from ovulating. No ovulation, no period!
Breakdown bleeding, lubrication bleeding, intermediate bleeding… are NOT periods!