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I really don’t like that, somehow it’s too lonely to me than it did. I love rude but in kjombination of something green and on a brittle disc, also with a little tweezer and pfeffer in it. or egg noodles that are the most tasty and easy to cook noodles are xD, because they are much more juicy, round in taste and totally easy to cook on aldente, in fact I have almost never really managed to cook soft egg noodles. xD just the pure egg I don’t like the… xD
Yeah, it’s coming to the table every day. I would also like to squeeze 3-4 sometimes 😅 just tastes really good especially medium.
But not daily. A special highlight should be enjoyed in exquisite moments and not permanently, otherwise you blunt and no longer enjoy. I eat an egg for breakfast on Sundays, Sundays and Wednesdays, only on trips per day. Besides, I assume that it is not healthy to eat too often an egg, because there is the joke:
A man will come to the pharmacy.
Pharmacist: Please? What is it?
Customer: I like to have a pot of testicle color, please.
Pharmacist: testicular color? I don’t know. We didn’t. What do you want?
Customer: I just come from the doctor, and the doctor said: Your cholesterol levels are far too high, and first we’ll cut the eggs.
I like to eat egg, but for breakfast actually less…
I often have four five eggs for breakfast on Sundays. As pictured, bread may also add breakfast.
Fits to everything, I usually eat on Sunday
On weekends a soft egg from the peasant of my confidence in breakfast… megageil. :
It’s always good. You don’t like anything else.
Whoever lives vegan does not have the most nutrient-rich foods and is just brazed in my eyes.
I like cooked eggs, but not for breakfast.
I just like boiled eggs with mustard sauce.
Yeah, a nice medium-soft egg to a hambread is fine. with beard liquor be especially delicious.
Yeah, that’s delicious 🤤.
I’m not vegan.
sometimes tend, actually rather evening
Since our chickens are 90% salmonella, I only eat eggs.
Even – we also have chickens enough eggs daily
Tastes good to everything;-)
since my diet on 1. April 2016 I eat every day with high enjoyment for breakfast Meal of breakfastbecause it is very valuable in nutritional terms! I don’t eat a soft wax, not a hard one, but a medium consistency! I get from our Jürgen the fresh eggs delivered directly from the poultry farm of our little town to the house, with I prefer the big XL eggs and with preference eat! And no, my cholesterol level does not suffer from it, but my entire blood values are so good that my doctor said to me in 2018: “Mrs. S., with these values you can become healthy hundreds!” The values have improved since then. Whether it’s a good breakfast? Who knows?
Thank you for your good question that I felt addressed!
Greetings and good wishes!
Yes, delicious 😋