Frühstücken was sagen ernährung Wissenschaftler?

Die eien sagen ja damit energie für Tag hat ect

Die anderen sagen nein sagen Frühstück ist wichtiges Mahlzeit sei werbe prpoganda verweisen darauf das von Erfinder von kelloges stammt (kelloges stellt nicht grad die gesündes essen her

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3 months ago

This is certainly a little individual.

How important breakfast is, for example, depends on how hard you work physically in the morning. A gravitational worker already needs energy in the morning, while an office force might have a bite in the first coffee break.

I would also consider the age. Younger children and primary pupils should eat regularly and spread over the day. A little breakfast before school should be in there if possible. Many children would not have eaten more than 13/14 hours since dinner until school begins.

3 months ago

I find it much more important to listen to his own body.

For me, breakfast is important because I feel bad about hunger in the morning at the latest 1 5 hours after getting up.

It’s bad if I have to get sober to the doctor.
There it can happen that I’m going through my hunger and I’m going to perceive odours even more intensely than ever.

Meaning: I can hardly eat anything despite a strong hunger for food odours.

3 months ago

Since everyone says something else, everything can be wrong and right. I’m hungry in the morning, so I eat.

3 months ago

Nutritionists say that it depends on what biorythm you have. Depending on whether you are an early riser or a long sleeper, you should have good breakfasts or not at all, because the intestine has adapted its digestive times to the biorythm.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gocca

Here from the Whatsapp channel of nutritional Docs:

🦉 Huhu her night owls! Do you belong to those people who are so fit late in the day and are awake in the evening? Watch out! You have a lot of trouble when it comes to weight control. And this is the reason:

👉 At night, the entire metabolism is set to recovery. If you take food in this phase, the body is hormonally not ready to digest and metabolize it. This leads to food being processed worse at night and it is more likely to be eaten during the day during the active phase.

🥲 Especially common: the body has a desire for carbohydrates and sugar in the evening – so food that hinders fat burning.

🦉👀 If owls eat extensively early in the morning before work, the negative consequences for their metabolism and weight can have, because their metabolism processes carbs as badly as in the morning as in the evening, and their blood sugar levels are increased longer after a rich early breakfast.

👉 Therefore, owls should move their breakfast better to the late morning or noon.

🐓 It’s very different with the little ones: They metabolize carbohydrates much better in the morning than in the evening, and therefore they are allowed to eat extensively early in the morning.

The detailed article on the topic can be found here:,essenszeiten100.html

3 months ago

Studies show again and again that breakfast is good to give energy for the day, and helps regulate blood sugar.

Kellogs etc is another thing – they have actually pushed unhealthy ultra-processed things, but you can also make your breakfast look better.

3 months ago

Honestly, I take care of the zero what they say!