Frühstück zu viel? Zu viel Gemüse?
Hallo zusammen! Ich habe neulich schon mal eine ähnliche Frage gestellt, beziehe mich heute aber mal nur auf mein Frühstück und den Gemüse Konum allgemein.
Ich bekomme gerade öfter die Rückmeldung, dass ich viel zu viel frühstücken würde. Also einfach eine zu große Portion. Würde jetzt gern mal wissen, was ihr dazu meint. Aktuell frühstücke ich wie folgt:
1 Brötchen
500g Quark
1 Ei
1 Tomate mittelgroß
1/2 von einer Salatgurke
1 mittelgroße Paprika
Ist das tatsächlich so eine enorme Menge für eine Frau mittleren Alters?
Wäre wirklich dankbar für eine Rückmeldung. Bin da gerade ziemlich verunsichert.
My goodness, if it tastes you, does good to you and you have no health problems, keep doing so and ignore the promises of salvation and threats of hell that such food missionaries are always and everywhere unquestioned…
Thank you
If you always ask, I have pictures in my head.
But, that’s okay and I’d like to have breakfast, healthy, balanced, ready.
Don’t worry about it.
Thank you first. What pictures do you have in your head?
500 grams of quark are already a lot, the rest is fine.
No sounds good. I believe people find it only a lot because they themselves don’t have so much breakfast (for example, I eat only a cereal). There is a super nutritious delicious and healthy food.
Thank you
If you feel good about it, it’s all right. Do not find the crowd “unnormal”.
There are now people who prefer to eat more in the morning, others prefer something more in the evening.
Do not make a head
Thank you.
Thank you
Yeah, that’s normal. And not much
Thank you.
Well, it’s a lot, but too much vegetables aren’t bad. Paprika continues to be filled, so you could save your lunch or at least make less lush.
So for lunch I don’t eat less than usual.
Paprika doesn’t make more sick than cucumber or tomato. 🤔
Yes. Paprika has a high fibre content. And ballasts make full
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Ballasts. Where did you get the 2-5g, please?
1.5 g of how much?
I’ll tell you: 2-5 gr/100 gr
1.5g… Just 0.5g more than a tomato.
Brötchen, 500g Quark and an egg would be too much for me, but I would eat the vegetables in the morning. Generally, you can’t eat too much vegetables as long as you don’t get it in any fats.
But if that suits you, do it. I can only imagine that you’re still capable of doing it.
I have to confess. I’ll pack this crowd loose and I’ll be topfit. No eating low or whatever.
Then it’s good for you. Let you taste it.