Früher Tod durch Diabetes?
Hallo, mein Vater wurde mit Diabetes Typ 2 diagnostiziert.. Ich habe extreme Angst das er jetzt sterben bzw um einiges früher sterben könnte, weiß da jemand was? Ich bin auf die tolle Idee gekommen zu googeln – war keine gute Idee hab jetzt noch mehr Panik.
You can also become very old with diabetes.
As long as you keep an eye on this is not so dramatic.
About 10% of all people suffer from type 2 diabetes. Most people don’t know. Under diet and lifestyle changes, the blood sugar levels can sometimes be normalized in the initial stage, i.e. the person concerned will still get out without medication. For a long time, a medicamentous treatment is unavoidable. The limitation of life expectancy is very dependent on the patient’s involvement. The increased consequences of arteriosclerosis (heart attack, stroke) play the most important role. First of all, however, the very small vessels change in kidney and eye.
Hello LenaNoi, 👋
Diabetics do not die earlier
through diabetes, but through
👉Diabetes episode damage, which
due to frequent hyperglycemia
(oversugars) arise!
Your father should be
decrease if it is overweight.
👉 It should be at a dietary training
take part and diet consistently
change. Above all, it should be too many
avoid carbs because all
Carbs increase blood sugar!
👉And he should be regularly
move a lot or exercise. Movement
greatly improves insulin sensitivity!
Panik uses nix… 👉Support is better.
Good for your father. ✊✊✊🍀🍀
LG 🙋🏻
digga that can hardly be read
Why not?
What can’t be read?
It’s all very legible.