Frostbite on the ear after snowboarding, and now?
Yesterday I froze my earlobe off while snowboarding, well not completely, but there is a brown spot. What’s the best thing to do now? Does my ear freeze off or does nothing else happen?
Yesterday I froze my earlobe off while snowboarding, well not completely, but there is a brown spot. What’s the best thing to do now? Does my ear freeze off or does nothing else happen?
Hatte mal vor einer Woche starke Schmerzen beim Urinieren und Ejakulieren
Wer genau steckt da drin dann also was könnte passiert sein dass der Krankenwagen dann schnell ins Krankenhaus muss?
Hey ist es normal das die vorhaut sich von alleine zurück zieht wenn der Penis hart ist?
Es ist mir ein bisschen unangenehm die Frage zu stellen, aber wenn ich *m15 meine Vorhaut sehr weit nach hinten schiebe spannt mein Frenulum. Die Eichel knickt nicht ab und es tut auch nicht weh, nur das Bändchen spannt sich dann an. Ist das schlimm oder normal?
das war 8 Stunden Akkord damit arbeiten. Heute erfahren das Glaswolle die Lunge kaputt macht, da es nie wieder denn Körper verlässt
Wenn du diesen Beruf ausübst, könntest du mit bitte diese Fragen beantworten? Ich habe bereits viel gegoogelt und selber ausfüllen können, jedoch sind das die übrigen Fragen auf jene ich keine Antwort habe. Es würde mir mega weiterhelfen! Ich muss das nämlich abgeben und das wird benotet. Und diese Note zählt wie eine Klassenarbeit. Dankeschön!
Today, even in the case of a 3rd degree, one does not amputate immediately. Because it can go for several weeks until you really see how much tissue is really dead.
It is important that you go to the doctor as quickly as possible and that you have a treatment. Unfortunately, in the last 20 years, the practice of frostbite has hardly changed, although effective drugs have been on the market for a few years.
Toes or fingers can be successfully treated with the fibrinolytic tPA – provided they have passed less than 24 hours and angiography proves a thrombotic closure in the supplying artery. In a study in the Archives of Surgery, the amputation rate was significantly reduced.
Up to now, six patients were treated, which were taken up within 24 hours after the frost. Only six of 59 fingers or toes (10 percent) had to amputate the surgeons later. In the 25 patients who did not receive tPA, 97 of 234 toes or fingers (40 percent) had to be amputated. The treatment thus reduced the amputation rate by three quarters.
More: Proximal amputations were never necessary after tPA therapy compared to 14 amputations in the control group, including 5 high amputations below the knee. As in the case of fibrinolysis of stroke and heart attack, the therapy of the intensities is based on the fact that the therapy takes place as quickly as possible. However, it remains a little more time than with the two cardiovascular thrombosis events.
in any case do not heat with hot water.
slightly warm up when a bit warmer, then try to knead the surrounding region. bleeding easily promote. less is more. stepewsie progress. and then do not let cool again.
So she was the first.
go to the last villeicht it has ignited with bacteria and so
A gang to the doctor is useful in this case.
bro du were 14 years too late
18 years later, I still advise you to go to the doctor if nich better is vat️🫠
Would I say ðŸ ̃‰
go best to the doctor;)
A visit to the doctor would be advisable here.
Thanks for the reviews.
You’re 14 years too late…
Go to the Artzt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for mistakes and writing, the Sift raises!
you were 4 years late…
You’re happening to Nix! Go to the doctor and say “I don’t want to amputate!” then it’s eventually gone with the right means!
does it hurt? I’d go to the doctor right now!
Go to the doctor!
In case of complaints medical treatment.
Otherwise, the body will restore blood circulation alone.
Just go to the arse I would say!!
How the first answer comes a year late XD
Effectively, warm air would come to the ear.
I’ve even heard of people who went to the sauna in case of any kind of frostbite.
Could also help in your case of frozen earlobe
You will probably not receive a binding answer to this question for legal reasons. I join my previous speaker and recommend a visit to the doctor.
Nix is happening!
LG (Loud regards)
Go to the doctor.
Since bloedchen was active here 15 years ago, answers are unlikely. Nevertheless, I’d be interested in what’s with the ear.
LG Daniel
To the last
Ear off, ne☺
The ear is always frying
What about the ohr now?
Let the ear remove
Go to the doctor.
legendary your questions by the way:D
So I don’t think that you’re still frozen
You were 15 years late…
what happened now with your earlobe
Has long been what happened? Now to the doctor? Then the ear was probably still to be saved.
The oldest question I’ve ever read here is also a record….
Just tear and cry around…
I laugh!