Frontscheibe wechseln lassen von Carglass sind das Mängel?

Hallo Community,

habe meine Frontscheibe bei Carglass wechseln lassen. Eine Dichtungabschnitt wurde beim Einbau abgerissen. Die Scheibe hat abstehende scharfe Kanten. Ist das so normal? Oder kann ich mit guten Gewissen das so reklamieren?

Liebe Grüße

Mlky40 😊

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2 years ago


Figure 1+2 shows an error in the “filling profile” you can possibly overlift/correct with a small plastic spatula. As I appreciate it, adhesive sealing compound is higher than the rubber profile that must be lifted/cut off. It can also be that the keder has a kink from the storage at the point. As soon as the sun bangs on it and the heated rubber takes on its original shape, with plastic rubber (EPDM), this looks different.

In part, the filling profiles are placed around the edge of the pane during assembly and glued in with

Figure 3 I would consider as a “mistake” of the car manufacturer not all are in the “Fugen-Ferdi Lager” or there one probably left a gap there in the “covering”.

The picture 3 is also detailed thanks to water drops “smooth” and superunsharf to make any statements.

Disc edges can be sharp-edged when a cover profile is over it or during sealing frame mounting. Rounded disc edges are technically better but a few cents more in production. Opel has “pressed” under Lopez as the first sharp-edged discs during adhesive assembly and then also saves the cover-propfil first only laterally, source Mr. Gregory von Südglas/Saint Gobain, himself Opelfahrer.

Point is laminated glass WSS do not last forever and should be renewed every 100000 km depending on the level of the pole…the TÜV had a transmission meter for this, but it was too expensive for all test sites so enough/e an estimate

2 years ago

go and complain

Discs are only glued today, and if the replacement disc 100pro is suitable, small deviations must be accepted.

2 years ago

The last picture is a lack, the others not