Frontscheibe folieren?

Moin, ich möchte gerne die frontscheibe von meinem Fahrzeug (Skoda Octavia) folieren. Ich habe vor einen „Keil“ also einen einfarbigen Streifen oben zu folieren. Wie ist da jetzt die Regelung man hört ja immer verscheidenes… nicht mehr als 0,1qm oder 1/4 der Scheibe. Was stimmt da jetzt möchte das das alles legal ist

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1 month ago

1. Field of view of the driver (according to § 40 StVZO):

Only the upper region of the windshield can be soldered.
The area must not be in the direct field of view of the driver. The field of view is generally the area covered by the windshield wiper.The film strip must end outside the wiper region.

Two. Maximum height of the film strip is 10cm

Alternatively, the rule of thumb also applies that the film strip must not occupy more than 1/4 of the overall height of the front pane.

3. The total surface area of the film formation shall not exceed a surface area of 0,1 m2 on the front panel. This is often applied in addition to the above mentioned rules, but should be fulfilled in any case if the 10 cm height and the wiper area are observed.

4. The film must be approved, i.e. it must not produce reflections or glares. Do not use films with reflective or metallic properties.

The film needs an ABG.