FRITZ!Box mehrere 2,4 GHz Kanäle?

Ist es möglich, bei einer FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber mehrere 2,4 GHz Kanäle einzurichten? An stelle von ein mal 5 GHz, zwei mal 2,4 GHz Kanäle einrichten.
So das in einem Haushalt jeder sein eigenes Netzwerk hat.
Geht das?

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8 months ago

I haven’t seen it yet – I can’t imagine. Because: this is a radio network, so first you need a transmitter hardware. At the moment, I cannot imagine that a transmitter can emit two frequencies at the same time – which would have to go over the same antenna at the same time.

I would think of a second physical WLAN transmitter that is coupled to the first with suitable routing.

8 months ago
Reply to  Igi667ONE

I would consider that more precisely – two networks can also be separated from each other by other measures and still run on the same channel – I do not know this variant yet. I need to see how this can be done.

Your problem, however, is not the load on the WLAN, but that a user takes a lot of power so that they are not available to others. So, first of all, it’s about an analysis of whether the line can get enough to the outside, then a prioritization (one can make such things in routers – don’t know what a frit has on it).

In short, I would not first build on it, but rather analyse / measure exactly (do not look at) where the bottleneck sits and then decide what measures are appropriate.

8 months ago

Zocken itself doesn’t consume so much.
vl. 1-3Mb/s

With a 50mbit/s line you would have a buffer so someone else could look youtube etc.

It might be useful to think about an increase in your internet contract.

The WLAN is a radio connection, everyone actually knows (actually).

But that makes the internet slower over WLAN, that always doesn’t know strangely.

One possibility is to separate the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz frequency band. In this way, the son would only have access to the individually secured WLAN in the range of five Gigahertz. The data transmission rate on this frequency band can then be limited to a maximum of 50 mbit/s.

The optimal solution remains a faster Internet.

8 months ago
Reply to  Igi667ONE

If your son is constantly using about 200 Mbit/s, he is permanently busy downloading content. When playing, on the other hand, no more than 2 Mb/s is required.

Please tell your son to limit the download speed.

As soon as the PC is connected via a LAN cable, it is possible to reduce the transmission speed to 100 Mbit/s.

It might be necessary to upgrade their Internet speed to 500/600 lines

8 months ago

You cannot set up channels because they are clearly defined and defined from the frequencies. You can only use channels and thus the associated frequencies.

However, what you mean are two SSIDs or two WLAN networks within a frequency range. And you will not be able to do this with household routines, because they always use only one SSID for 2.4GHz and one for 5GHz (and these two can be quite identical).

If you want two separate WLAN networks, you will need at least one access point in addition to the existing WLAN-enabled router, which then manages an independent WLAN in this operating mode.

8 months ago

I can’t tell you if you can set limits.

And clearly you can give both 100% bandwidth, then the networks share it.

If you brake the guest net to 50%, it does, however, if the rest does not consume anything. It’s too stupid.

Ne Fritzbox is not predestined for such fine settings.

There are routers that can be very fine.

8 months ago

Of course you can always operate 2 different networks.

This is called guest access and is IP-technically separated.

Once and sequence numbers, once and sequence numbers.

However, this cannot be limited to 2.4 Ghz.

Recommendation, then work with prioritization of devices