Freut ihr euch schon auf Weihnachten?
Und feiert ihr es überhaupt?
z.b Bisschen Geld 💰 Oder Essen oder andere Tolle Geschenke 🎁 🙂
Hallo… ich suche nach einem bestimmten Hochzeitspiel was wir vor Jahren bei einer Feier gespielt haben. In dem spiel gab es ein Erzähler der das,,kennenlernten,, des Paares als Märchen Geschichte erzählt. Dafür werden viele aus dem Publikum mit genommen… zb. Einer soll den bösen spielen, König,Königen, sogar für den Vorhang werden welche auf gestellt…. Und…
Hallo erstmal, Ich (14) habe bald Geburtstag und meine mutter hat mich gefragt was ich mir wünsche und ich habe gesagt ich überlege es erstmal. Aber eigentlich weiß ich seit einem halben Jahr oder so das ich gerne Klavierunterrichtnehmen würde. Das Ding ist halt das ich bereits ein Instrument spiele und der Unterricht teuer ist….
Habt ihr schon alles für Weihnachten zusammen?
Die Frage geht an diejenigen, die an eine Seele glauben. Mal angenommen, du ruhst nach deinem Tod im Grab. Wie lange? Und was ist, wenn mal das Grab ausgewechselt wird?
Because it’s my 1st Christmas in a WG room, in a building that has come down completely, and ants and cockroaches are unpleasant roommates.
All the walls feel grumpy and bulky, toilet and shower cannot be closed, toilet bowl has no toilet goggles, one sits there directly on the porcelain, and the toilet bowl itself does not seem to be properly anchored, because if one moves a little too much on it, it wobbles, and the sink has no lid anymore.
It is repaired or modernized as well as nix. The only thing he had to do a few months ago was in the forecourt to let the gray wall white paint, possibly with this possible rental interests are not already quenched at first glance.
It’s been a long time. I’m happy, but I don’t think so much about it.
Yes I am already looking forward to Christmas, but it is still until then! The snow ❄️, the gingerbreads, the Christmas movies (beauty is tradition with us we look every Christmas fest), with his family celebrating Christmas festively, the delicious food, gifts…
But first comes October then November and then I am in Christmas mood 😉
Greetings Daniel
…so many beautiful romantic memories.
Probably they are sometimes even wrong or falsified, idealized etc., but that doesn’t matter.
Christmas, especially of course Christmas Eve, are often more sobering. No snow, this incredible proliferation of commercialization and of course not everything is “peace, joy, eggcake”. Still, I’m looking forward to it.
Addendum: Shit, sorry, I’ve read the “now already”. Now is actually a little too early and I don’t have Christmas on the radar yet.
I’m older, but I’m an absolute Christmas man!
Every year I look forward to it, because of the anticipation, the feast, the good mood, there’s just everything right.
With the most important thing for me all year!
Because it’s too early.
Christmas is the most important time for me in the year.
This feeling in the Christmas season is wonderful 💙
Haha same, I feel the same! 🙃
I always enjoy Christmas because it is winter and it is cool.
Yes. Soothing, eating together, typical Christmas films and the whole mood.
Yes, with children, Christmas is always beautiful. This glowing joy in the eyes, all festively decorated, no more corona, no more prohibitions. 🎄🎄🎄
I am really looking forward to the gifts and holidays after Christmas 😊
Go on. Easy to start, s’ist mid-October.
Lg yours u
Because it’s Christmas
That’s enough as justification 😂
Mhm 😂
No one to celebrate, etc…
I’m always looking forward to it.
I can buy a new pc
but not yet!
Because… I’m free!
I do, or we, it also… but without gifts!